Enhancements & Bug
Accellera VHDL Public Documents
Accellera Member VHDL Documents
Old VHDL-FT Documents
Meeting Minutes
Working Group Documents
VASG Voting Records
IEEE/IEC Dual Logo Development Documents
VASG Operating Procedures
VASG MOU with Accellera
Working Group Roster
IEEE Patent Disclosure & Appropriate Topics
EDA Standards Links
VASG is responsible for maintaining and extending the VHDL standard (IEEE 1076).
Current News: 1076-2008 was approved by REVCOM in September 2008.
1076-2008 was a collaboration between the IEEE VASG and Accellera VHDL TSC.
More on the VASG and Accellera relationship is here.
VHDL is an IEEE/IEC dual-logo standard and VASG coordinates
revisions with IEC TC 93. More on IEC TC 93
is here.
Request Enhancements and Report Bugs
Getting copies of VHDL standards
VHDL standards are available through IEEE Standards associations webpages.
To find them, search on VHDL at http://shop.ieee.org.
Note that IEEE currently lists VHDL standards by their IEC numbering.
IEEE Standard Number |
IEC Standard Number |
IEC Title |
1076-2002 |
61691-1-1: 2004 |
Behavioural languages--Part 1: VHDL language reference manual |
1076.4-2000 VITAL |
61691-5: 2004 |
Behavioural languages: Part 5: VITAL ASIC
(application specific integrated circuit) modeling specification
1076.6-2004 |
62050-2005 |
VHDL Register Transfer Level (RTL) Synthesis
Note that IEC and IEEE standards are
the same except for front matter, titles, and appendicies.
Standards Status
IEEE 1076-2008: IEEE VHDL-200X + Accellera Additions + VHPI
Status: REVCOM Approved September 2008.
Final draft being edited by IEEE editorial staff.
The IEEE VASG started the work in early 2003 as VHDL-200X.
The Accellera VHDL Technical Subcommittee took over the work in 2005,
funded its technical editing, and did super-human work to finalize it.
Became an Accellera standard at DAC 2006 (late July) and an IEEE standard
in September 2008.
These language extensions and productivity enhancements
are standardized and ready for industry adoption.
Currently we expect IEEE editorial staff to have a copy of the standard ready
for purchase in early 2009.
After VHDL-2008 Revision
The working group has some preliminary proposals for constrained
random and OO. We have agenda items for functional coverage, interfaces,
and verification data structures (associative arrays, memories, ...).
While most of the work in the group is done on a volunteer basis, the technical
editing is extremely time consuming and as a result requires us to hire an
editor with deep knowledge of VHDL. Accellera provided the funding for
the VHDL-2008 revision, however, the Accellera has declined funding
for the above items, so we will need to find a new funding source.
Join us and help create the next VHDL standards.
VASG welcomes participation from any person with a vested interest
in VHDL.
Much of the work and communication of VASG is done
via the email reflector. To join, send an email message
majordomo@eda.org with subscribe vhdl-200x in the message body (or
use the link below). You must join the reflector before
you can post to it.
To be a full "voting" member VASG, you must be a paying member
of DASC. To maintain your voting
membership you must vote in 2 of 3 votes.
Historical Stuff
Prior our collaboration with Accellera there was much work done
under IEEE. The webpages for that work can be found at:
Old VASG Page
Old VHDL-200X Page