Background on group members for RGG

This page can be used to quickly find background of group members and direct relevant questions to them for a detailed discussion.

Himyanshu Anand

RTL-Circuit equivalence checking, symbolic simulation, AMS assertions.

Kenneth Bakalar

Prabal Bhattacharya

Achim Bauer

Analog/mixed-signal system design, implementation and validation. Creation of VAMS-models and verification environments.

Eduard Cerny

Digital assertions: specification, implementation (simulation and in the past formal), methodology, checker development, applications.

Scott Cranston

Mike Demler

Extensive experience in AMS design, author of High Speed Analog to Digital Conversion (1991). Architect of Antrim Mixed-Signal Synthesis system. Group Director at Cadence - responsible for AMS reference flow. Senior Product Marketing Manager for HSIM at Nassda/Synopsys. Developed strategy for extending VMM to AMS. Author of the blogs Analog Insights and The World is Analog .

Surrendra Dudani

John Havlicek

Kevin Jones (RGG Leader)

Scott Little

Jim Lear

David Sharrit

-- AnandHimyanshu - 04 Feb 2009

Topic revision: r6 - 2010-04-26 - 15:44:35 - ScottLittle
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