Next Call

There is currently no tele-conference meeting scheduled.


Committee meeting calls are held biweekly throughout the year. Call times do change due to daylight savings. An agenda is distributed two days prior to the scheduled call. To add an item to the agenda for a particular call simply reply to the distributed agenda outlining the item you wish to discuss or alternatively send an email to either Sri Chandra or David Miller (remember to remove the NOSPAM from the addresss)

Current Call Times

Calls are currently held on Thursday (UTC 01:00p)

San Francisco, Thurs 06.00a
Austin, 08.00a
Boston, 09.00a
Amsterdam, 03.00p
Tel Aviv, 04.00p
New Delhi, 06:30p
Adelaide, 10:30p

Dial In Details

USA Toll Free : 8008671147
Australia Toll Free: 1800009128
India Toll Free : 0008006501482
Netherlands : 08002658223
Passcode: 0970751#

Bug Tracking

All open issues, bugs, and enhancements are tracked using the Mantis bug database. For users without an account, login as user guest, password guest and select Verilog-AMS from the project list.

Email Reflector

To subscribe to the committee's e-mail reflector, send an email to with the contents subscribe verilog-ams . Please ensure to remove the NOSPAM from the email address before sending.

An archive of the email reflector can be viewed at the E-mail reflector archive


Verilog-AMS committee meeting minutes are posted to the reflector. The minutes can also be viewed at AMS Meeting Minutes

Topic revision: r18 - 2012-03-13 - 15:39:18 - DavidMiller
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