0000000000000001000010111100000000000000 Qamar Alam
1111111111111111111010111111101111110111 Himyanshu Anand
0111111110011111101110100011111111111110 Kenneth Bakalar
1111101010110110111011000011100011101010 Prabal Bhattacharya
0000000000000011000010100100001001000000 Sri Chandra
0111101111111111110110101111101111100011 Eduard Cerny
1110111000010110101110111110111111101010 Scott Cranston
0000000000000001000000000000000100000010 Dave Cronauer
0000000000001100000000011111100111101110 Dejan Nickovic
1101110111100100000000000000000000000000 Mike Demler
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Surrendra Dudani
1110000000111111111111001101111111111111 John Havlicek
1110001100100000000000000000000000000000 Kevin Jones
0000000111111111101110111111111111111111 Jim Lear
0000000000001110111000000000000000000011 Top Lertpanyavit
1111110110111111111111111011111111111111 Scott Little
0000000000000100000000000000000000000000 Erik Seligman
1010000000000000000000000000000000000000 David Sharrit
0000000100000000000000000000000000000000 Murtaza
0000000100000000000101100110000001001000 Martin O'Leary
-Ken Bakalar hasn't sent out the slides. We will check with Ken on his progress. A backup plan was also discussed in the event that Ken doesn't have time to create the slides.
-Ideas for slide content were discussed briefly.
Action Items:
SL: It was my intention to discuss the slides provided by Ken at the meeting today. Ken has not called in or provided slides. I would like to say a bit about generally what is expected from the slides and then solicit input from John and Ed who have more experience with these meetings. I think that the features should be described with a motivating example or problem statement. I think that it is generally understood that the syntax presented would be preliminary and examples can be useful to illustrate your point.
EC: I don't think that using example syntax is a good idea. Proposing syntax can be dangerous.
JH: I disagree. I think that proposing syntax helps people envision a solution to the problem.
HA: Should we form a backup plan in case Ken isn't able to do the slides.
SL: Okay, it sounds like Jim has already started the process for the synchronization section. I think it makes sense to let him proceed. I can deal with the remaining two sections.
HA: It might be a good idea to solicit help for those.
SL: Does anyone want to volunteer to help with those slides?
HA: I can help with the assertions.
TL: What is the intended audience here?
SL: This is to the P1800 or
SystemVerilog committee. I would presume a very digital centric crowd. We need to clearly motivate the need and use cases for these items.
HA: Who is going to present this material?
SL: I don't know. We should decide that next week.
JL: Is the Verilog-AMS committee going to present as well?
SL: I believe they are planning to have something. They will have a meeting this afternoon regarding that issue.
ScottLittle - 2010-02-03