Basic Functional Electrical Models (BFEM)

Type Description Source
Absolute Voltage Output provides the absolute voltage of the input
Voltage Adder Sum of voltages at all input terminals is applied at the output
Voltage Multiplier Product of voltages at all input terminals is applied at the output
Voltage Divider Ration of input voltages are supplied at output
Voltage Differentiator Differential of the input voltage is applied to output
Voltage Integrator Integral of the input voltage is applied to output
Voltage Limited Integrator Limited integral of the input voltage is applied to output
Continuous Comparator Continuous comparator using tanh to compare voltage at terminal "in" versus voltage at terminal "ref"
PWL Comparator Piecewise linear comparator to compare voltage at terminal "in" versus voltage at terminal "ref"
Single-Differential Line Converter Single to differential line converter
Voltage Level Shifter Voltage Level Shifter
Voltage Peak Detector Voltage Peak Detector
Current Level Shifter Current Level Shifter
Current Peak Detector Current Peak Detector
Period Measurement Model Period Measurement Model

Absolute Voltage

Module Name V_absolute
Terminals in: input terminal : input voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter none

Voltage Adder

Module Name V_adder
Terminals in: input terminal vector : input [1:adder_size] voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter adder_size = 2 from [2:inf)

Voltage Multiplier

Module Name V_multiplier
Terminals in: input terminal vector : input [1:multiplier_size] voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter multiplier_size = 2 from [2:inf)

Voltage Divider

Module Name V_divider
Terminals numer: numerator input terminal : input voltage
denom: denominator input terminal : input voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter min_denom: minimum value for denominator = 1n from (0:inf)

Voltage Differentiator

Module Name V_differentiator
Terminals in: input terminal : input voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter kd: differentiation coefficient (kd*ddt(..)) = 1

Voltage Integrator

Module Name V_integrator
Terminals in: input terminal : input voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter ki: integration coefficient (1/ki*idt(..)) = 1
dcval: inital condition for integral

Voltage Limited Integrator

Module Name V_limited_integrator
Terminals in: input terminal : input voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter ki: integration coefficient = 1
dcval: inital condition for integral = 0
lower_limit: lower limit for output voltage = -1
upper_limit: upper limit for output voltage = 1

Continuous Comparator

Module Name continuous_comparator
Terminals in: input terminal : input voltage
ref: reference terminal : input voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter output_high: maximum output voltage = 5
output_low: minimum output voltage = 0
slope: coefficient used for tanh

PWL Comparator

Module Name pwl_comparator
Terminals in: input terminal : input voltage
ref: reference terminal : input voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter output_high: maximum output voltage = 5
output_low: minimum output voltage = 0
vhysteresis: hysteresis voltage
tdelay: delay time between crossing of V(in) and V(ref)
ttransit: transistion time to change output voltage from one state to the other

Single to Differential Line Converter

Module Name V_single_differential_conv
Terminals inp: positive input terminal : input voltage
inm: negative input terminal : input voltage
outp: positive output terminal : output voltage
outm: negative output terminal : output voltage
ref: reference terminal : input voltage
Parameter gain: gain (integer) = 1

Voltage Level Shift

Module Name V_level_shift
Terminals in: input terminal : input voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter vout_offset: dc output offset voltage = 0

Current Level Shift

Module Name I_level_shift
Terminals in: input terminal : input current
out: output terminal : output current
Parameter iout_offset: dc output offset current = 0

Voltage Peak Detector

Module Name V_peak_detector
Terminals in: input terminal : input voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter none

Current Peak Detector

Module Name I_peak_detector
Terminals in: input terminal : input current
out: output terminal : output current
Parameter none

Period Measurement Model

Module Name period_measure
Terminals in: input terminal : input voltage
Parameter vth: threshold voltage where period is measured = 0.0

-- DavidMiller - 2011-03-01

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatva manage 0.5 K 2012-09-14 - 15:40 DavidMiller Current Level Shifter
Unknown file formatva manage 0.8 K 2012-09-14 - 15:40 DavidMiller Current Peak Detector
Unknown file formatva manage 0.5 K 2012-09-14 - 15:41 DavidMiller Output provides the absolute voltage of the input
Unknown file formatva manage 0.7 K 2012-09-14 - 15:41 DavidMiller Sum of voltages at all input terminals is applied at the output
Unknown file formatva manage 0.5 K 2012-09-14 - 15:41 DavidMiller Differential of the input voltage is applied to output
Unknown file formatva manage 0.7 K 2012-09-14 - 15:41 DavidMiller Ration of input voltages are supplied at output
Unknown file formatva manage 0.7 K 2012-09-14 - 15:42 DavidMiller Integral of the input voltage is applied to output
Unknown file formatva manage 0.5 K 2012-09-14 - 15:42 DavidMiller Voltage Level Shifter
Unknown file formatva manage 1.5 K 2012-09-14 - 15:42 DavidMiller Limited integral of the input voltage is applied to output
Unknown file formatva manage 0.8 K 2012-09-14 - 15:42 DavidMiller Product of voltages at all input terminals is applied at the output
Unknown file formatva manage 0.8 K 2012-09-14 - 15:43 DavidMiller Voltage Peak Detector
Unknown file formatva manage 0.7 K 2012-09-14 - 15:43 DavidMiller Single to differential line converter
Unknown file formatva manage 1.0 K 2012-09-14 - 15:43 DavidMiller Continuous comparator using tanh to compare voltage at terminal "in" versus voltage at terminal "ref"
Unknown file formatva manage 1.0 K 2012-09-14 - 15:43 DavidMiller Period Measurement Model
Unknown file formatva manage 1.4 K 2012-09-14 - 15:44 DavidMiller Piecewise linear comparator to compare voltage at terminal "in" versus voltage at terminal "ref"
Topic revision: r3 - 2012-09-14 - 15:44:02 - DavidMiller
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