Analog/Digital Converters and Modulators (ADCM)

Type Description Source
Ideal DAC Ideal digital/analog converter with variable converter size
Ideal ADC Ideal analog/digital converter with variable converter size
First Order Sigma-Delta First order sigma-delta converter
Sample and Hold Sample and hold model
Sampler model show the application of the sample and hold model with the clock generator
QAM Quadrature amplitude modulator

Ideal Digital/Analog Converter

Module Name ideal_dac
Terminals in: input vector with digital code : input [0:dac_size-1] voltage
out: analog output terminal : output voltage
Parameter dac_size: size of converter = 8 from (1:inf)
vth: threshold voltage for input code
trise: rising time at output = 0
tfall: falling time at output = 0

Ideal Analog/Digital Converter

Module Name ideal_adc
Terminals in: analog input terminal : input voltage
clk: clock terminal : input voltage
out: output vector for digital code : output [0:adc_size-1] voltage
Parameter adc_size: size of converter = 8 from [1:inf)
fullscale: range of the analog input : 1.0
delay: delay time until output starts changing after rising clock : 0
trise: rising time at output = 10n
tfall: falling time at output = 10n
clk_vth: threshold voltage for input code
out_high: output high voltage = 1
out_low: output low voltage = 0

First Order Sigma-Delta Converter

Module Name firstorder_sigmadelta
Terminals in : analog input terminal : input voltage
clk : clock terminal : input voltage
out : output terminal : output voltage
Parameter quantizer_vth: threshold voltage for internal quantizer = 0
clk_vth: threshold voltage for clock input = 2.5
d2a_gain: gain of the internal digital/analog converter = 5

Sample and Hold

Module Name sample_hold
Terminals in: input terminal : input voltage
clk: clock terminal : input voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter slewrate: slew rate at the output : 1ns
clk_vth: threshold voltage for clock input = 2.5

Quadrature Amplitude Modulator

Module Name qam16
Terminals in: input terminal : input [0:3] voltage
out: output terminal : output voltage
Parameter freq: modulation frequency = 1.0
ampl: output amplitude = 1.0
thresh: input threshold voltage = 2.5
tdelay: delay time = 0
ttransit: transition time = 1/freq

-- DavidMiller - 2011-03-01

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatva manage 1.1 K 2012-09-14 - 15:53 DavidMiller First order sigma-delta converter
Unknown file formatva manage 1.4 K 2012-09-14 - 15:53 DavidMiller Ideal analog/digital converter with variable converter size
Unknown file formatva manage 1.0 K 2012-09-14 - 15:54 DavidMiller Ideal digital/analog converter with variable converter size
Unknown file formatva manage 1.0 K 2012-09-14 - 15:54 DavidMiller Quadrature amplitude modulator
Unknown file formatva manage 1.2 K 2012-09-14 - 15:54 DavidMiller Sample and hold model
Unknown file formatva manage 1.1 K 2012-09-14 - 15:54 DavidMiller Sampler model show the application of the sample and hold model with the clock generator
Topic revision: r3 - 2012-09-14 - 15:54:54 - DavidMiller
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