Leaders: Tom Fitzpatrick, JL Gray






A comparative description of the VMM and OVM simulation timeline can be found here.


From our meeting September 4, 2008:

  1. A top level environment (i.e. VMM or OVM) needs a way to know the other environment exists. Or, to phrase more generically, if more than one verifification methodology library exists each (the parent and the child) must know the other exists.
  2. There should be a way to manage calling of appropriate runtime steps from OVM to VMM or vice versa.
    • From OVM testbench, instantiate a vmm_env and call each of the methods individually instead of calling vmm_env::run()
    • From VMM... TBD
    • This may be simply a requirement on users (i.e. solved via documentation)

-- JlGray - 04 Sep 2008

Adding some notes from our meeting today about requirements.

Topic revision: r2 - 2008-09-04 - 17:04:53 - JlGray
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