Leaders: Janick Bergeron, Ambar Sarkar



The ability to instantiate, connect and configure testbench components in a testbench.

Testbench components include:

  • Primary components (transactors, generators, monitors, scoreboards, functional coverage groups)
  • Composition of primary components and compositions


In the subgroup's first meeting, Janick presented an overview of composition in VMM. As we went through it, OVM's composition was also discussed.

The composition features of the two methodologies are presented here side by side.


Interoperability Objectives 

In all cases, the composition interoperability objectives is the instantiation of a VMM/OVM primary component or composition in a OVM environment or VMM (sub)environment. The ability to execute a VMM/OVM testcase on a OVM/VMM environment is not an objective.


  1. Instantiate a VMM/OVM testbench component in a OVM/VMM environment
  2. Single PASS/FAIL report


  1. Requirements above plus:
  2. Connecting a VMM vmm_channel to an OVM tlm_fifo
  3. Connecting a VMM vmm_notify to an OVM analysis_port
  4. Connecting a VMM callback to an OVM procedural interface
  5. Connecting an OVM ovm_threaded_component virtual method extension to a VMM procedural interface


  1. Requirements above plus:
  2. Requirements in Composition Requirements.doc
  3. Ability to take an existing testcase and refine it into a corner testcase
  4. Ability to create a testcase by composing the stimulus from two or more other testcases or stimulus sequences/scenarios
  5. Ability to run different tests in sequence, in the same simulation, in arbitrary order
Topic revision: r3 - 2008-07-24 - 19:14:14 - JanickBergeron
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