SV-BC Meeting Minutes for May 10, 2016
Attendee |
Company |
Mantis Perms |
Mar 15 |
Mar 29 |
Apr 12 |
Apr 26 |
May 10 |
Shalom Bresticker |
Accellera |
U |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Daniel Schostak |
U |
Steven Sharp |
Cadence |
U |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Francoise Martinolle |
Cadence |
U |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Mark Strickland |
Cisco |
U |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Matt Maidment |
Intel |
M |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Brandon Tipp |
Intel |
U |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Boon Chong Ang |
Intel |
X |
X |
Jonathan Bromley |
Oracle |
U |
X |
X |
X |
Neil Korpusik |
Oracle |
M |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Gauraw Singh Chandel |
Mentor Graphics |
Eric Coffin |
Mentor Graphics |
R |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Alex Gran |
Mentor Graphics |
U |
Sharad Jain |
Mentor Graphics |
C Venkat Ramana Rao |
Mentor Graphics |
R |
X |
X |
X |
Dave Rich |
Mentor Graphics |
U |
X |
X |
X |
Ray Ryan |
Mentor Graphics |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Gordon Vreugdenhil |
Mentor Graphics |
U |
Sachin Pathak |
Mentor Graphics |
X |
X |
Dave Scott |
Real Intent |
U |
X |
Mark Hartoog |
Synopsys |
U |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Brad Pierce |
Synopsys |
U |
X |
X |
X |
Arturo Salz |
Synopsys |
U |
X |
X |
Justin Refice |
nVidia |
U |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Karen Pieper |
Accellera |
M |
Call Logistics
May 10, 2016 8am-10am PDT
Join Skype Meeting:
Join by Phone:
+1(916)356-2663 (or local bridge access # via:
Other access numbers:
Bay Area |
408-765-2663 |
Oregon |
503-696-2663 |
Massachusetts |
978-553-2663 |
Austin |
512-362-2663 |
Jerusalem |
972 2589 6577 |
Choose bridge: 5
Conference ID: 44150830
Action Items
Jan 19 Matt: Track version specific changes to LRM as AI and file if needed.
Apr 12 Matt: Add 484 and 305 to next email Vote
Apr 26 Matt add 343 to the next email ballot
Apr 26 Matt add 4528 to future email vote if 343 is approved
Apr 26 Jonathan to update 2831 for future vote (WIP)
Apr 26 Matt: Update 4691 as resolved
Apr 26 Matt: Update all Mantis items per April 25/26 voting results.
Apr 26 Shalom: File Mantis item for missing entries in Table 6-7 and/or Table 7-1 (5615)
Apr 12 Matt: Update proposal for 2500 to remove text regarding closure of 4691.
Jan 19
DaveR: Check with some of the original contributors about the intent of 315 for clarification of 3211. Discussion has been reinitiated.
Apr 26 Matt: Ask Neil about reflector archive status during the next meeting. Archive now active. Karen to send access instructions.
May 10 Matt: Send ballot by May 13 for review during next meeting.
- Review IEEE Patent Policy
Directed attendees attention to the policy
- Collect Open Agenda Items
Feedback from P1800 (Neil):
Schedule will move +4 months. Felt start-up was slowed. CC not yet active. Want to give more time to more difficult topics.
Editor not yet named. Stu will be unavailable. Work in progress to identify an editor.
Email archive is now active. Karen will send email with instructions to access the archive.
- Approve Apr 26 Meeting Minutes
DaveR moves to approve the minutes.
Jonathan seconds
No opposed.
Abstain: Brad, Eric, Arturo (Were not in attendance)
Motion passes.
- Next Email Vote Tentative Content
305, 343, 484, 1077, 4142, 4167, 4507, 4549
4751, 4749, 4824, 5039, 5544, 5583, 5615, 5540, 4928, 5259
AI: Matt to send ballot by May 13 for review during next meeting.
4679 is related and should be addressed simultaneously.
DaveR could not find restrictions on Xs or Zs in cover bins. Examples use 2-state types but 19.5.4 makes reference to Xs and Zs.
Consensus that a bin can have 4-state, except auto bins.
Dave will work with others on a new proposal that covers 5531 and 4679.
Question asked why the restriction was instituted. Brandon said that there was effort to keep many restrictions during initial specification and add new features later as the needs arose. Consensus in favor of this change.
Several drew issue with the new sentence. Consensus to drop the final clause starting with 'and is equivalent to…'.
Francoise to rework sentence and return with a new proposal.
Reviewed Mark's latest proposal sent to the reflector.
Decided to only clarify which rules are for ANSI style port declarations and refrain from further wording due to lack of consensus on how to proceed.
Dave says some offline agreement that when using module/scope: syntax, it is like saying module.instance. Consensus to proceed to match the instance name like a hierarchical reference, starting at the scope of the bind statement.
Dave to come back with a formal proposal.
9:40am PDT
DaveR moves to adjourn. Arturo &
MarkH second
Matt Maidment - 2016-05-10