SV-BC Meeting Minutes for March 29, 2016
Attendee |
Company |
Mantis Perms |
Mar 15 |
Mar 29 |
Shalom Bresticker |
Accellera |
U |
X |
X |
Daniel Schostak |
U |
Steven Sharp |
Cadence |
U |
X |
X |
Francoise Martinolle |
Cadence |
U |
X |
X |
Mark Strickland |
Cisco |
U |
X |
X |
Matt Maidment |
Intel |
M |
X |
X |
Brandon Tipp |
Intel |
U |
X |
X |
Boon Chong Ang |
Intel |
X |
X |
Jonathan Bromley |
Oracle |
U |
X |
Neil Korpusik |
Oracle |
M |
X |
X |
Gauraw Singh Chandel |
Mentor Graphics |
Eric Coffin |
Mentor Graphics |
R |
X |
X |
Alex Gran |
Mentor Graphics |
U |
Sharad Jain |
Mentor Graphics |
C Venkat Ramana Rao |
Mentor Graphics |
R |
X |
Dave Rich |
Mentor Graphics |
U |
Ray Ryan |
Mentor Graphics |
X |
Gordon Vreugdenhil |
Mentor Graphics |
U |
Sachin |
Mentor Graphics |
X |
Dave Scott |
Real Intent |
U |
X |
Mark Hartoog |
Synopsys |
U |
X |
X |
Brad Pierce |
Synopsys |
U |
X |
X |
Arturo Salz |
Synopsys |
U |
X |
Justin Refice |
nVidia |
U |
X |
Karen Pieper |
Accellera |
M |
Call Logistics
March 29, 2016 8am-10am PDT
Action Items
Jan 19 Matt: Track version specific changes to LRM as AI and file if needed.
Jan 19
DaveR: Check with some of the original contributors about the intent of 315 for clarification of 3211.
Feb 01 Dave R write a proposal for 2488
Mar 15 Justin update formatting of proposal for 5540 to follow traditional style.
Mar 15 Matt update 3763 to file new Mantis for Ben's comments and then propose to close.
Mar 15 Matt update 4528 as a duplicate of 343 and set to immediate.
Mar 15 Matt follow-up with Jonathan Bromley about participation and any issues with proposals.
Feb 02 Matt clear up currently immediate priority for existing 8 BC/EC issues
Feb 02 Matt set issues with proposals to immediate priority
Feb 02 Matt investigate extending Mantis developer privileges to voting members
Update: Waiting on response from Lynn & Karen
Mar 15: Everyone seems to be set to Updater role. They report that they no longer have problems updating the issues. Perhaps Lynn made some changes behind the scenes.
Mar 28: Levels of privileges from least to most:
viewer, reporter, updater, developer, manager, administrator
Most BC/EC participants are at least an updater/reporter. Permissions captured in attendance table. Here are the key role differentiators:
Action that updater and up can perform: 'send reminders'
Action that developer and up can perform: 'deleting attachments'
Action that manager and up can perform: 'save filters as shared'
NOTE: If you still do not have an account, please email giving your first and last name and email address and that you would like 'updater' access to the
SystemVerilog 1800 database.
- Review IEEE Patent Policy
- Approve Mar 15 Meeting Minutes
Francoise moves to approve the minutes
Boon Chong seconds
No opposed.
No abstain.
Motion passes.
Justin raised this issue. Looking for feedback on which expression to use, "time 0" or "time zero".
Consensus that this is an editorial issue and that the phrase 'time zero' is preferred over 'time 0'. Looking at 53(PDF: 93) indicates that the number 0 is more appropriate. If 'time zero' is chosen then the changes would need to proposed specifically because some text would benefit from remaining 'time 0'. If 'time 0' is chosen, it appears that all 'time zero' references are workable as 'time 0'.
Group agrees that resolution of this requires a proposal to change the text or close it as not material enough to be addressed.
- Any initial feedback on Jonathan Bromley's proposals?
2277 (string compare methods): file proposal_2277_v2.pdf
Steven noted that case sensitivity definition requires improvement.
2707 (string replication): file 2707-proposal-v1.pdf
Steven noted the title was a copy of the proposal from 2277.
2831 (empty UACs): file proposal_2831_v2.pdf
4275 (naming of empty UACs): file proposal_4275_v1.pdf
2241 (foreach can iterate over a string): file proposal_2241_v1.pdf
Jonathan will make reference to 6.16 instead of describing the left-to-right (0-> size -1).
- What other issues are being considered by this sub-committee?
MarkS waiting for feedback on 4928. Please review and send feedback.
MarkH working on a proposal for net kind on non-ansi port declarations.
8:52AM Steven moves to adjourn.
MarkH seconds.
Matt Maidment - 2016-03-29