Our next meeting of the IEEE P1800 will be a teleconference on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 from 9:00am to 10am Pacific time.


1) Call to order - Introductions & Affiliations

2) Approve agenda

3) Patent Policy and Call for Patents

<a target="_top" href="http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt">http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt</a>

4) Approval of Minutes

5) Schedule

Milestone Editorial Schedule Milestone Editorial Schedule

Feature Freeze in the Committees 30-Jun-16

Feature Freeze in the Champions 30-Jul-16

Feature Freeze in the P1800 6-Aug-16

Pre-Ballot Draft -- Send to IEEE 13-Aug-16
IEEE Feedback back 12-Oct-16
Last editing corrections in SVDB, inc names in front matter 27-Aug-16 Remind entities to become members 27-Aug-16
Editing approval by Champions 10-Sep-16 Open invitation to ballot 26-Sep-16
Editing approval by P1800 24-Sep-16 Close invitation to ballot 26-Oct-16
Completion of the review of the pre-ballot draft 8-Oct-16 Balance of the balloting group confirmed 29-Oct-16
Ballot draft available and approved by P1800 22-Oct-16

Balloting begins, public review begins 29-Oct-16 Public review ends 28-Dec-16
Balloting ends 28-Nov-16

Ballot responses available 12-Dec-16

Schedule for resolution of ballot responses 2-Jan-17

Committees respond to public review and ballot 13-Mar-17

Recirc ballot content approved by P1800 27-Mar-17

Recirc pre-draft available 3-Apr-17

Recirc pre-draft review complete 10-Apr-17

Recirc ballot approved by P1800 17-Apr-17

Recirc ballot results back 1-May-17

Final IEEE ratification 29-Aug-17

6) Policies and procedures review

7) eda.org is going away. Move to IEEE?

8) PAR approval

9) Status of the Working groups

  • SV-AC: Dmitry Korchemny
  • SV-BC, SV-EC: Matt Maidment
    • Merge these two committees for this ballot?
  • SV-CC: Under ballot
  • SV-DC: Scott Little

9) New Business

10) Next meeting (announce date, time, and location, if known)

  • Date discussion needed

11) Adjournment

Topic revision: r1 - 2015-12-02 - 02:01:25 - KarenPieper
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