Our next meeting of the IEEE P1800 will be a teleconference on Friday, October 16, 2014 from 9:00am to 11am Pacific time.
1) Call to order - Introductions & Affiliations
- SA Website with Basic and Advanced Member lists can be found at:
2) Approve agenda
3) Patent Policy and Call for Patents
<a target="_top" href="http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt">http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt</a>
4) Approval of Minutes
- <a target="_top" href="http://www.eda.org/twiki/pub/P1800/P1800MeetingMinutes/6-March-2105-UNAPPROVED-Meeting-Minutes.pdf">6-March-2105-UNAPPROVED-Meeting-Minutes.pdf</a>
- Minutes can be found here:
5) Date/Schedule explorations
6) P1800 next steps
- Go/No go on action to move forward
7) eda.org is going away. Move to IEEE?
8) New Business
9) Next meeting (announce date, time, and location, if known)
10) Adjournment
Topic revision: r1 - 2015-10-23 - 19:29:28 -