Minutes from SV-AC Committee Meeting
Date: 2016-06-15
Time: 16.00:00 UTC (9:00 PDT)
Duration: 1 hour
Attendance Record
x = attended
- = missed
r = represented
. = not yet a member
v = valid voter (2 out of last 3 or 3/4 overall)
n = not a valid voter
t = chair eligible to vote only to make or break a tie
Attendance re-initialized on 2016-03-09:
v[.x-xxxxx] Mehbub Ali (Intel)
n[.xx--x--] Ang Boon Chong (Intel)
n[x-x-xx-x] Shalom Bresticker (Accellera)
n[.x------] Dennis Brophy (Mentor Graphics)
v[xxxxxxxx] Eduard Cerny (Synopsys)
v[xx-xx-xx] Ben Cohen (Accellera)
t[x-xxxxxx] Dmitry Korchemny (Synopsys - Chair)
n[xxx-x-x-] Manisha Kulshrestha (Mentor Graphics)
v[xxxxxxxx] Anupam Prabhakar (Mentor Graphics)
v[xxxxxxxx] Erik Seligman (Intel – Co-chair)
v[x-x-xxxx] Samik Sengupta (Synopsys)
|- attendance on 2016-06-15
|--- voting eligibility on 2016-06-15
IEEE patent policy reminder
Minutes approval
Ben: Move to approve the minutes from 1-Jun-2016.
Ed: Second.
Motion passed: 6y/0n/0a.
Email ballot results
Issues 3147, 4154, 4881, 5302 passed: 5y/0n/0a.
Issue 4557 failed: 4y/1n/0a
4557: Typos in clause 16
Ben: Need parentheses for clarity. Also, better to use let instead of `define/
Shalom: let vs `define is a separate issue. Parentheses are not necessary and need to be consistent.
Dmitry: Parentheses more appropriate from the syntactic point of view.
Anupam: There are more examples with parentheses.
Dmitry: There are several issues here:
- Need to define `true on this page because it is non-standard and defined as part of one example in 16.7 only.
- This example `true ##3 (a [*3]) does not make much sense because it is equivalent to #e a[*3] and just exhibits a bad style. Need to replace it by a ##3 (b[*3]) for clarity.
- Next example (a ##2 b) [*5] should be rewritten as
(a ##2 b) ##1 (a ##2 b) ##1 (a ##2 b) ##1 (a ##2 b) ##1 (a ##2 b)
for consistency and clarity.
Anupam, Ben: It should be sufficient to say at the fist usage of `true that the same `define is assumed to be active throughout Clause 16.
Mantis items in progress
2546: 'empty match' and 'vacuous success' are not clearly defined in LRM.
Ed: Need to review the proposal.
Dmitry: Since there are no volunteers to review, I will call to vote.
Erik will chair the next meeting.