Date: 2010-09-28
Time: 16:00 UTC (9:00 PDT)
Duration: 1.5 hours
Dial-in information:
Meeting ID: 38198
Phone Number(s):
1-888-813-5316 Toll Free within North America
Live Meeting:
- Reminder of IEEE patent policy.
- Minutes approval
F2F meeting (discussion)
- Email ballot results
- New issues
3213: Update definition of sampled value
- Enhancement progress update
- Issue resolution/discussion
3008: In $past BNF, "expression" should be "expression1"
1853: BNF for calls to $rose and other sample value system functions.
2904: Clarify when disable iff condition must occur relative to starting
and ending of an attempt
3134: sequence and property range parameters are erroneously defined
3135: Verbal explanation of nexttime and always is misleading for
multiple clocks
1678: Clarify that rewriting algorithm doesn't replace name resolution
2571: confusing assertion clock inference rule
2386: Rename 16.9 to "Local variables"?
3117: make it clear that rewriting algorithm (F.4.1) applies to checker
and let
- Opens
Attendance Record:
x = attended
- = missed
r = represented
. = not yet a member
v = valid voter (2 out of last 3 or 3/4 overall)
n = not a valid voter
t = chair eligible to vote only to make or break a tie
Attendance re-initialized on 2010-07-06:
n[-x-xxxxx--xxx] Laurence Bisht (Intel)
v[xxxxxxxxxxxx-] Eduard Cerny (Synopsys)
v[-xxxxx-xxxxxx] Ben Cohen
v[xx-x--xxxxxxx] Surrendra Dudani (Synopsys)
v[xxxx---x-xxxx] Dana Fisman (Synopsys)
v[xx-x-xxxxxxxx] John Havlicek (Freescale)
v[-xxxxxxxxxxxx] Tapan Kapoor (Cadence)
t[xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Dmitry Korchemny (Intel ¿ Chair)
v[xxxx-xxxxxxxx] Scott Little (Freescale)
v[xxxxx-xxxxxxx] Manisha Kulshrestha (Mentor Graphics)
v[xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Anupam Prabhakar (Mentor Graphics)
v[--xxxxxxx-xxx] Erik Seligman (Intel)
v[xxxx-xxxxxxx.] Samik Sengupta (Synopsys)
v[xxxxxxxxx-xxx] Tom Thatcher (Oracle ¿ Co-Chair)
|- attendance on 2010-09-28
|--- voting eligibility on 2010-09-28
- Reminder of IEEE patent policy.
Participants were reminded of the policy.
- Minutes approval
E-mail from Ben: One more thing: On Checker outputs, we agreed that
type wire is not allowed in checkers, both in ports and in the
Scott: Move to approve minutes
Samik: Second
Vote results: 9y, 0n, 0a
F2F meeting (discussion)
E-mail poll: Most people favored moving face-to-face meeting to the DVCon
time frame. Dmitry suggested March 5,6
We'll hold face-to-face at that time.
- New issues
3213: Update definition of sampled value
Dmitry: New Mantis item follows from our discussion of checker
- Enhancement progress update
1. Real values in concurrent assertions:
Mantis item is 2328
Ed had commented on proposal, Scott had addressed his comments.
Samik had no comments.
Ready for e-mail vote.
2. Output arguments of checkers
Still in progress.
Dmitry: depends on continuous assignments.
Anupam: Will get time to work on it this next week.
3. Allow procedural control statements in checkers
Dmitry: have not started on proposal
4. Checker sampling
in progress
- Issue resolution/discussion
Anupam: Had proposed wording in an e-mail:
"If the disable condition is true at the point of starting a new
evaluation attempt, that attempt shall not start and the property is
considered to have a disabled evaluation for this time."
John: How is this different from existing wording?
Manisha: If triggered is within disable iff, and triggered expression is on
a different clock, then we would have to wait to the end of Observed
region to determine if property passes. That is because the property
evaluation could complete first, and the triggered expression would
be calculated after.
Manisha: If triggered expression in disable iff is on the same clock, as
the property, we propbably could ensure that the triggered evaluates
before the property.
However, for different clocks, we don't want to require an event
Ed: Samik had proposed text " . . . end of the evaluation attempt".
Samik: Would change sentence in proposal from "the end of the observed
of the time step in which the attempt ends" to
"the end of the assertion attempt"
Dmitry: If proposal is updated, is it ready to vote?
Scott: Question: Triggered condition happens in Observed Region.
Any other item which would change in Observed Region?
Manisha: Clocking block variables
Scott: Interested in preserving consistency across simulators
Ed: There's an asymmetry between start of attempt and end of attempt.
John: Triggers persist throughout time step
Ed: Proposed text "between start of attempt and end of attempt"
John: Original concern: what about glitch in Active region?
Would that disable an assertion attempt which would have started
in Observed? Wanted more precise language.
Anupam: English question: Does "between" imply that endpoints of interval
are included?
John: Can add "inclusive" at the end of the sentence to make it clear.
Dmitry: Will call for e-mail vote when proposal is updated.
Ed: Change "next clock ticks" to "clock ticks"
Dmitry: Agree
Dmitry: Added text should be colored blue.
Dmitry: When proposal is updated, will call for an e-mail vote.
Dana: Explanation of next-time operators are accurate for single clock
cases, but not for multiple clock cases. New paragraphs explain
what occurs in this case.
Ed: Change "formula' to "property expression"
Ed: N+1 ticks: Which clock is used?
Dana: Either case is OK.
Ed: OK right.
Dana: "formula" in replacing text refers to entire property, not just
the property expression argument to nexttime: how to express this?
Dmitry: Use "property"
Dmitry: Make inserted text blue. Othere font problems
Tom: 3134 and 3135 insert paragraphs in the same location: Which
paragraph goes first?
Dana: Text added by 3134 will be added first, Text added by 3135 will go
after text added by 3134
Dmitry: Add a note to editor to make this clear.
Dmitry: Will call for e-mail vote when proposal is updated.
Scott: 1800-2009 already renamed the section. However, 16.8.2 introduces
local variable arguments to sequences before local variables are
defined. Didn't make sense to move either section, so just added
a note to the beginning of 16.8.2 to refer to the local variables
Dmitry: Will call for an e-mail vote.
Meeting Adjourned.