Our next P1800 WG meeting is 8am to 10am on Thursday, May 1, 2008.

[Contact info to come]


1) Call to order - Introductions & Affiliations

2) Approve agenda

3) Patent Policy and Call for Patents


4) Approval of Minutes of the March 27, 2008 Meeting

5) Funding, Budgeting, and Financial Update

6) Editing update

7) Schedule Status Update

April 15, 2008 SV-CC freeze / All committees freeze except for

new Assertions integration committee
other committee's response to champions, draft edits, etc. April 30, 2008 Approximate date for Draft 5 April 24, 2008 Champions meeting to approve final features May 1, 2008 Teleconference 8am May 29, 2008 Teleconference 8am
Approximate date for Draft 6
Proposed IEEE submission for third paid review June 26, 2008 Teleconference 8am July 1, 2008 Date for completion of third IEEE review August 1, 2008 Proposed feature freeze for the Assertions integration committee August 7, 2008 Champions meeting to confirm final changes August 14, 2008 Teleconference 8am
Feature freeze in the P1800 September 11, 2008 Teleconference 8am
Pre-ballot draft available (Draft 7)
Submit draft for IEEE unpaid ballot review September 20, 2008 Remind entities to become members September 25, 2008 Two year anniversary for officer elections October 11, 2008 IEEE unpaid review complete October 23, 2008 Last editing corrections filed in svdb October 23, 2008 Open the invitation to ballot October 30, 2008 Champions meeting November 13, 2008 P1800 approval due November 23, 2008 Close of the invitation to ballot November 30, 2008 Balance in the balloting group confirmed
Ballot draft available
Balloting begins December 30, 2008 Ballot closes January 15, 2009 Ballot responses available February 15, 2009 Committees respond to ballot responses February 22, 2009 Champions meeting March 1, 2009 P1800 approval March 15, 2009 Recirculation draft (Was May 31 for 1800-2005) April 1, 2009 Recirculation results back June 15, 2009 Initiate press release to announce IEEE-SA Approval August 15, 2009 Initiate press release to announce Publication available 8) P1800 technical committees and Champions operational update a. SV-AC, SV-BC, SV-EC, SV-CC and SV-XC a.1 SV-AC extension b. Jeita issues update c. 2005 ballot issues update

9) New Business

10) Next meeting (announce date, time, and location, if known)

May 29, 2008 P1800 Meeting teleconference 8am pacific

12) Adjournment

-- KarenPieper - 01 May 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-05-01 - 16:49:04 - KarenPieper
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