Our next meeting of the IEEE P1800 will be a teleconference on Thursday, August 11, 2011 from 8:00am to 10am Pacific time.
Contact info will be available soon.
1) Call to order - Introductions & Affiliations
- SA Website with Basic and Advanced Member lists can be found at:
2) Approve agenda
3) Patent Policy and Call for Patents
<a target="_top" href="http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt">http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt</a>
4) Approval of Minutes
- Minutes of the July 14, 2011 Meeting
5) V-AMS standard approach
6) Funding, Budgeting, and Financial Update
- Update on invoicing and payment
7) Update on editing
8) Update on Policy and Procedures document
9) Schedule Status Update
- July 31, 2011 Revision 2 of 1800-2012
- August 11, 2011 Conference Call
- September 8, 2011 Conference Call
- October 1, 2011 Feature Freeze in the committees
- October 13, 2011 Conference Call
- October 13, 2011 Feature Freeze in the P1800
- November ??, 2011 Sync-up meeting with JEITA, SV-* committees presenting
- November 6, 2011 Pre-ballot draft of 1800-2012
- November 10, 2011 Conference Call
- November 15, 2011 Remind entities to become members
- December 8. 2011 Conference Call
- December 16, 2011 Open the invitation to ballot
- December 26, 2011 Last editing corrections filed in svdb
- January 9, 2012 P1800 approval due
- January 16, 2012 Close of the invitation to ballot
- January 24, 2012 Completion of the review of the pre-ballot draft
- January 25, 2012 Balance in the balloting group confirmed
- January 28, 2012 P1800 meeting
- -------------- Ballot draft available
- February 4, 2012 Balloting begins
- March 6, 2012 Ballot closes
- March 21, 2012 Ballot responses available
- May 21, 2012 Committees respond to ballot responses
- June 5, 2012 P1800 approval of recirculation ballot
- July 5, 2012 Recirculation pre-draft
- July 12, 2012 Recirculation pre-draft review complete
- July 19, 2012 Recirculation draft approved, recirculation initiates
- August 3, 2012 Recirculation results back
- November 18, 2012 Election of Officers Two Year Anniversary
10) P1800 technical committees and Champions operational update
11) New Business
12) Next meeting (announce date, time, and location, if known)
- September 8, 2011 P1800 Meeting teleconference 8am Pacific
13) Adjournment
Topic revision: r2 - 2016-01-19 - 07:06:15 -