IEEE P1735 Working Group Meeting of March 31, 2014
Meeting Info
Conference Information
- Attending
- Dave Graubart, Synopsys DR (Chair)
- Jonathan Goldberg, IEEE Professional Services
- Michael Smith, Synopsys DRA
- Rod Price, Synopsys DRA
- Ray Martin, Xilinx DR
- Sridhar Gangadharan, Atrenta DR
- Joe Daniels, P1735 Technical Editor
- Dave Clemans, Synopsys DRA
- Satyam Jani, Aldec DR
- Joe Hupcey, Jasper DR
- John Shields, Mentor DR
- Luis Humberto, Jasper DRA
- Ruchi Tyagi, Cadence DRA
- Steven Dovich, P1076 liaison
- Not Attending
- Jeff Fox, Altera DR
- Gael Paul, PLDA
- Sourabh Tandon, Synopsys
- Nitin Khurana, Cadence DR
- Krista Gluchoski, IEEE Professional Services
- Dmitry Melnick, Aldec DRA
- Stan Krolikoski, Cadence (DASC Chair)
- Devin Sundaram, Altera DRA
- Parminder Gill, Synopsys DRA
- Premduth Vidyanandan, Xilinx
- David Pena, Cadence
- Bin Dai, Xilinx
- Determine Quorum
- Patent slides
- Approve agenda
- Approval of Previous Meeting minutes
- Guests and new members
- Action Item Review
- Liaison Reports
- MEC and ballot pool status
- Schedule
- General Status
- Front matter
- Interoperability
- Key Management
- Rights Management
- License Management and Reference Implementation
- Visibility
- Common Rights
- Annxes
- Work Plan
- Other Business
- Adjourn
We have 7/8 eligible entities, and do have a working quorum.
Patent Policy
Patent slides
were offered for review.
No new claims were disclosed at the call for essential patent claims.
Agenda Approval
Motion to approve agenda made by Joe H, seconded John. Motion is approved.
Previous Minutes
Ray moved and John seconded the approval of the
March 17, 2014 minutes. The motion was approved.
Guests and New Members
Action Item Review
Two items closed today. Dave G will review remaining and reassign as appropriate.
Liaison Reports
No updates today.
MEC and Ballot Pool Status
MEC comment status:
Some items that were pending from Steve may be complete or have different ownership now. Dave G and Steve to discuss offline.
Ballot Pool status:
Closed on March 23 with 9 participants. Pool is now balanced.
Dave G showed the updated schedule.
Item | Duration | Start | End |
MEC review & ballot formation | 52 | 1/30/2014 | 3/23/2014 |
Finish Draft 5 preparation | 36 | 3/23/2014 | 4/28/2014 |
Draft 5 PDF creation | 14 | 4/28/2014 | 5/12/2014 |
Ballot | 45 | 5/12/2014 | 6/26/2014 |
Review comments/rework | 30 | 6/26/2014 | 7/26/2014 |
Recirculation ballot | 30 | 7/26/2014 | 8/25/2014 |
Submit for revcom | 45 | 8/25/2014 | 10/9/2014 |
| | | |
Revcom opportunities | | | |
8/20/2014 | Agressive | | |
12/9/2014 | Backup | | |
This is the new plan of record although additional feedback may cause further revision. As is, hitting the August revcom date is unlikely unless the ballot draft includes all ballot pool participant input and there is little or no need for recirculation time.
The Working Group eager to hear Atrenta's and Jasper's assessment and feedback and then we can evaluate what work is needed for ballot draft as well as any schedule impact. Both are actively reviewing draft 4 now.
General Status
We need to have all substantial feedback as soon as possible.
Altera is hoping to post comments soon. Atrenta, Jasper, and Gael Paul will publish comments before the end of the month. Dave G posted more from Synopsys this week. Sridhar indicated that Atrenta does not have any comments. Luis posted some comments last week and expects to post additional comments this week.
Sridhar asked about comformance testing. Steve responded that compliance or confirmance testing has not been done in DASC although other standards have had parallel conformance efforts. John added that many have done done testing of version 1 interoperability and that we have a voluntary key repository. We have talked about compliance testing but no work has been done. It could be resurrected if volunteers re found. Dave G mentioned that we can add tool-specific rights voluntarily to private Twiki and that we have an Accellera forum for dicussion of this topic.
Compliance testing should be discussed more post-ballot.
Front Matter Status
Clause 4 (Trust Model) may need a rewrite. John will do this after he closes on his two existing clauses and one annex. The time-frame depends on receiving feedback on other material. John expects to have a status update at the next meeting.
John has reviewed comments from Synopsys and Jasper, and has begun work on a rewrite in advance of completing other clauses. Expecting to post this week.
Interoperability Status
No discussion this week. Nothing beyond a nit pending at this time. Ray will check if any input is still unresolved. Ray has read comments and expects to post update with minor updates this week.
Key Management Status
Ruchi will work within Cadence and take this on. Steve can assist. Ruchi has started. Expects to complete update by end of next week.
Rights Management Status
Dave G posted an update describing a new block structure and also to address other feedback. Dave G invited the group to review and send feedback.
License Management Status
Dave G is working on incorporating feedback and will post an update this week.
The reference implementation on the Accellera Forum needs another update to reflect the new rights block structure.
Steve on MEC comments concerning license clause, 8.5.2 system services and attributes that are described in other standards. Suggesting new text referring to POSIX and other standards. Email send to Dave G. Domain is an open issue where there is more than one definition and option. Dave G suggests that we try to make this unambiguous and if can't, consider discarding for this version. Dave will send a suggestion by Wednesday of this week.
Visibility Status
John will update the clause and related areas like definitions. John expects update posted by 4/14.
Common Rights Status
No discussion this week. John waiting for more feedback. Just minor work to do so far. John expects update posted by 4/28. Some uncertainty based on travel obligations.
Annex Status
John working on visibility, annex C. Might be annex D releated to key management work - Cadence will evaluate John's comments. John expects update posted by 4/28. Some uncertainty based on travel obligations.
High-level objectives:
- Go to ballot with delayed draft 5
- Get on agenda for August revcom ratification if possible (only if zero ballot comments), else December.
Project Plan:
- Draft 5
- Incorporate MEC review comments
- Incorporate or rewrite areas of concern from draft 4 feedback
- Incorporate new input from Altera, Jasper, and Gael Paul
- Incorporate examples
Other Business
Dave G to update web site including fixing some file permissions - low priority.
Dave G owes Joe D original art for figures.
Next Meeting
The next
P1735 meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2014 at 16:00UTC.
Tentative Agenda
- Determine Quorum
- Patent slides
- Approve agenda
- Approval of Previous Meeting minutes
- Guest and new members
- Action Item Review
- Liaison Reports
- MEC and ballot pool status
- Schedule
- General Status
- Front matter
- Interoperability
- Key Management
- Rights Management
- License Management and Reference Implementation
- Visibility
- Common Rights
- Annxes
- Work Plan
- Other Business
- Adjourn
Motion by John, second by Ray. Approved by acclamation at 17:06 UTC
These minutes are approved.
DaveGraubart - 2014-03-30