IEEE P1735 Working Group Meeting of June 24, 2013

Meeting Info

Conference Bridge and Live-Meeting


  • Attending
    • Steven Dovich, (chair) Cadence DR
    • Jeff Fox, Altera DR
    • Ray Martin, Xilinx DR
    • Jarek Kaczynski, Aldec DR
    • John Shields, Mentor DR
    • Dave Graubart, Synopsys DR

  • Not Attending
    • Joe Daniels, P1735 Technical Editor
    • Devin Sundaram, Altera DRA
    • Dave Clemans, Synopsys DRA
    • Michael Smith, Synopsys DRA
    • Krista Gluchoski, IEEE Professional Services
    • Parminder Gill, Synopsys DRA
    • Premduth Vidyanandan, Xilinx
    • Nick Sgoupis, CAST
    • Albert Chiang, Synopsys
    • Nitin Khurana, Cadence DRA
    • David Pena, Cadence
    • Bin Dai, Xilinx
    • Ruchi Tyagi, Cadence DRA
    • Syed Huq, Cisco
    • Meera Srinivasan, Synopsys
    • David Tran, Synopsys


  1. Determine Quorum
  2. Patent slides
  3. Approve agenda
  4. Approval of Previous Meeting minutes
  5. Action Items Status
  6. Liaison Reports
  7. Inter-operability Issues
  8. License Management
  9. Key Management
  10. Rights Management
  11. Common Rights and Visibility
  12. Work Plan
  13. Other Business
  14. Adjourn



We have 5/6 eligible entities, and have a working quorum.

Patent Policy

The Patent slides were offered for review.

No new claims were disclosed at the call for essential patent claims.

Agenda Approval

Motion by Jarek, seconded by John. Motion is approved.

Previous Minutes

Ray moved and John seconded the approval of the June 10, 2013 minutes. The motion was approved.

Jarek moved and Ray seconded receiving the minutes of the June 17, 2013 (Draft Devel Committee) minutes. The motion was approved.

Action Item Review

Steven reviewed the open action items.

Date Clause Title Champion
6/21 1 Intro Steven
7/8 2 Normative Ref  
7/12 3 Definitions  
6/28 4 Trust Steven
6/28 5 Interop Ray
6/28 6 Key Mgmt Steven
6/21 7 Rights Mgmt Dave G
6/28 8 License Mgmt Dave G
6/28 9 Common Rights John
7/10 10 Visibility John
7/8 A Bibliography  
6/28 B Required Algorithms  
4/25 X Visbility Annex John

Liaison Reports

No DASC, P1800, or P1076 activity related to our scope.


No discussion, Ray and Jarek will be discussing and closing on the draft update this week.

License Management

John noted that the current text on checkout could place a noticable burden on the compilation phase under the "Digital Envelope w/ License" use case. Dave G agreed to take a look at the issue during his update of clause 8.

Key Management

Dave G asked for clarification on standardization of encryption envelopes. John and Steven noted that the existing description of encryption envelopes provided for a common mechanism, without precluding other mechanisms to produce a decryption envelope.

Rights Management

John agreed to supply Dave G the intro text to be moved into clause 7 from clause 9.

Common Rights and Visibility

John discussed his note to the reflector and current activity to reflect the comments from the recent Draft Development Committee meeting. He plans to deliver the proposed changes on the reflector ahead of the promised date for the clause 10 update.

Jeff is reviewing the proposal addressing Dave's concerns and expects to provide feedback this week.

Work Plan

Liaison Review Comments

High-level objectives:

  • Complete all approval activity in 2013 before PAR expires (2013)
  • Secure pre-ballot feedback from other DASC working groups

Project Plan:

  • Distribute D3 draft for liaison review in mid-February
    • Revised content for D3 must be submitted to Joe by 11-Feb-2013 [COMPLETED]
    • D3 to be distributed to liaison groups by 20-Feb-2013 [COMPLETED]
    • Any material that is still unstable should be tagged with an inline note to the liaison reviewers [COMPLETED]
    • Noted material should be revised for mid-review update as D3a by 25-Feb-2013 (delivery to Joe) [COMPLETED]
    • Any updated D3a clauses will be supplied to liaison reviewers by 01-Mar-2013 [COMPLETED]
    • Liaison review period to close by 12-Apr-2013

  • Incorporate review comments into D4 draft for working group review
    • Changes for D4 must be submitted by 15-Apr-2013 (delivery to Joe)
    • Working group review closes 29-Apr-2013 with a decision to approve D4 as the ballot draft or revise further as D5.
    • MEC review requires 30 days and must be completed prior to ballot, initial target is 21-May-2013

  • Balloting and review
    • This schedule needs to be updated, pending the depth of the liaison review comments
    • If D4 is approved as ballot draft, and ballot period starts 01-Jul-2013, we should be able to make the December REVCOM agenda
    • Ballot group formation to close before 21-Jun-2013 in preparation for possible D4 ballot.
    • Assumptions:
      • Submission deadline for December REVCOM is 21-Oct-2013
      • Need approval of D4 as ballot draft and no substantive ballot comments that require recirc
      • 30-day ballot period requires a minimum of 45 days from working group approval of ballot draft
      • 10-day recirc period requires a minimum of 15 days from ballot comment disposition
      • Ballot comment dispositioning and incorporating draft updates accepted by the working group will add to the timeline
      • Current technical editing statement of work (contract and budget) will still be valid if D5 is completed and approved for ballot in May.
      • Failure to complete balloting/recirc by September will risk missing the December REVCOM agenda and force another PAR extension.

Task Requirements/White Paper Writer-ready Specification
Use Model 02-Jul-2008 ???
Trust Model ??? ???
Interoperability 24-Aug-2009 26-Jan-2010
License Management 19-Apr-2011 ???
Visibility Management 23-Jul-2010 ???
Key Management 18-Oct-2010 12-Aug-2011
Rights Control Structures 27-Jun-2011 ???
Common Rights 23-Jul-2011 ???

Other Business

Next Meeting

The next P1735 meeting is scheduled for July 8, 2013 at 16:00UTC. The next Draft Development Committee meeting is scheduled for July 1, 2013 at 16:00UTC.

Tentative Agenda

  1. Determine Quorum
  2. Patent slides
  3. Approve agenda
  4. Approval of Previous Meeting minutes
  5. Action Items Status
  6. Liaison Reports
  7. Meeting Schedule
  8. Inter-operability Issues
  9. License Management
  10. Key Management
  11. Rights Management
  12. Common Rights and Visibility
  13. Work Plan
  14. Other Business
  15. Adjourn


Motion by Dave G, second by John. Approved by acclamation at 17:00UTC


These minutes are unapproved.

-- StevenDovich - 2013-06-24

Topic revision: r2 - 2013-06-24 - 16:00:10 - StevenDovich
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