IEEE P1735 Working Group Meeting of June 27, 2011
Meeting Info
Conference Bridge and Live-Meeting
- Attending
- Steven Dovich, Cadence
- Dave Graubart, Synopsys
- Jarek Kaczynski, Aldec
- Ray Martin, Xilinx
- Michael Smith, Synopsys
- John Shields, Mentor
- Not Attending
- Dave Clemans, Synopsys
- Parminder Gill, Synopsys
- Premduth Vidyanandan, Xilinx
- Nick Sgoupis, CAST
- Albert Chiang, Synopsys
- Nitin Khurana, Cadence
- David Pena, Cadence
- Joe Daniels, IEEE Standards Association
- Karlton Lau, Xilinx
- Gary Delp, Accellera/Silver Loon Systems
- Bin Dai, Xilinx
- Ruchi Tyagi, Cadence
- Syed Huq, Cisco
- William A Hanna, Boeing
- Meera Srinivasan, Synopsys
- Jim Robinson, Synopsys
- NSS Subramanian, Cadence
- David Tran, Synopsys
- Determine Quorum
- Patent slides
- Approve agenda
- Approval of Meeting minutes from 06/13/2011
- Action Items Status
- Liaison Reports
- Inter-operability Issues
- License Management
- Key Management
- Rights Management
- Work Plan
- Other Business
- Adjourn
We have 5/6 eligible entities, and have a working quorum.
Patent Policy
Patent slides were offered for review.
No new claims were disclosed at the call for essential patent claims.
Agenda Approval
Motion by Jarek, seconded by Dave G. Motion is approved.
Previous Minutes
Ray moved and Jarek seconded the approval of the
June 13, 2011 minutes. The motion was approved.
Action Item Review
Steven reviewed the open action items.
Liaison Reports
No new activity.
John noted that the remaining open issues are related to validation, and that we should decide whether this is still a priority.
License Management
Key Management
Steven reviewed the changes on the recommendations page. John noted that the DER recommendations should apply to Standard Key exchange, and under Basic Key exchange the recommendation applied to every out-of-band exchange.
Rights Management
John asked about key_block structure for tools that didn't implement rights, and Dave suggested that the absence of a
pragma in version 2 could indicate equivalence with version 1 key blocks.
John asked about tamper-resistance for rights-blocks in all tampering scenarios. Randomly generated, one-time use, session keys become mandatory for making rights tamper-proof.
Steven noted that the control block structures in an encryption envelope did not mark the boundaries over which the digest would be calculated. The working group discussed the differences between the VHDL and
SystemVerilog specifications, and how they affected the protection semantics for key_blocks and data_blocks. Steven noted that we need to balance the needs of IP Authors and Tool Implementors in deciding the rules for composing relationships between key, control, and data blocks.
Dave polled for objections to the decryption envelope work presented to date. There were no objections to the direction of work on the control block structure for decryption.
Work Plan
Other Business
Next Meeting
The next
P1735 meeting is scheduled for July 11, 2011 at 15:00UTC.
Tentative Agenda
- Determine Quorum
- Patent slides
- Approve agenda
- Approval of Meeting minutes from 06/27/2011
- Action Items Status
- Liaison Reports
- Meeting Schedule
- Inter-operability Issues
- License Management
- Key Management
- Rights Management
- Work Plan
- Other Business
- Adjourn
Motion by John, second by Dave G. Approved by acclamation at 16:51UTC
These minutes are unapproved.
StevenDovich - 2011-06-27