IEEE P1735 Working Group Meeting of July 25, 2011
Meeting Info
Conference Bridge and Live-Meeting
- Attending
- Steven Dovich, Cadence DR
- Jarek Kaczynski, Aldec DR
- Dave Graubart, Synopsys DR
- Ray Martin, Xilinx DR
- Michael Smith, Synopsys DRA
- Dave Clemans, Synopsys DRA
- John Shields, Mentor DR
- Not Attending
- Parminder Gill, Synopsys DRA
- Premduth Vidyanandan, Xilinx
- Nick Sgoupis, CAST
- Albert Chiang, Synopsys
- Nitin Khurana, Cadence DRA
- David Pena, Cadence
- Joe Daniels, IEEE Standards Association
- Karlton Lau, Xilinx
- Gary Delp, Accellera/Silver Loon Systems
- Bin Dai, Xilinx
- Ruchi Tyagi, Cadence DRA
- Syed Huq, Cisco
- William A Hanna, Boeing
- Meera Srinivasan, Synopsys
- Jim Robinson, Synopsys
- NSS Subramanian, Cadence
- David Tran, Synopsys
- Determine Quorum
- Patent slides
- Approve agenda
- Approval of Meeting minutes from 07/11/2011
- Action Items Status
- Liaison Reports
- Inter-operability Issues
- License Management
- Key Management
- Rights Management
- Work Plan
- Other Business
- Adjourn
We have 4/6 eligible entities, and have a working quorum.
Patent Policy
Patent slides
were offered for review.
No new claims were disclosed at the call for essential patent claims.
Agenda Approval
Motion by Jarek, seconded by Dave G. Motion is approved.
Previous Minutes
Ray moved and Dave G seconded the approval of the
July 11, 2011 minutes. The motion was approved.
Action Item Review
Steven reviewed the open action items.
Dave G asked for translation of the DASC reported activity into date requirements for P1735 members.
Liaison Reports
Steven reported that DASC has directed us to approve new P&P documents based on the new
AudCom templates. The working group reviewed the draft edits, and Steve will e-mail the draft and request an e-mail approval.
John reported that P1076 has approved new P&Ps and has published a straw-man list of requirements that includes support for P1735 recommendations.
License Management
Key Management
John moved that the proposed Key Management text be accepted as a recommendation, Jarek seconded. The vote will be conducted via e-mail to close before the next meeting.
Rights Management
John gave an overview of his Common Rights Control Block e-mail and asked that each DR provide feedback on the concepts and priorities as they perceive them.
Work Plan
Task |
Requirements/White Paper |
Writer-ready Specification |
Use Model |
02-Jul-2008 |
??? |
Trust Model |
??? |
??? |
Interoperability |
24-Aug-2009 |
26-Jan-2010 |
License Management |
19-Apr-2011 |
??? |
Visibility Management |
23-Jul-2010 |
??? |
Key Management |
18-Oct-2010 |
??? |
Rights Control Structures |
27-Jun-2011 |
??? |
Common Rights |
23-Jul-2011 |
??? |
John stated his intent to ask for formal approval of our self-assessment request as of September 1, 2011. Steven will forward the assessment request document to Dave G for revision to the level necessary to satisfy Synopsys.
Other Business
Next Meeting
The next
P1735 meeting is scheduled for August 8, 2011 at 15:00UTC.
Tentative Agenda
- Determine Quorum
- Patent slides
- Approve agenda
- Approval of Meeting minutes from 07/25/2011
- Action Items Status
- Liaison Reports
- Meeting Schedule
- Inter-operability Issues
- License Management
- Key Management
- Rights Management
- Common Rights and Visibility
- Work Plan
- Other Business
- Adjourn
Motion by Dave G, second by John. Approved by acclamation at 16:25UTC
These minutes are unapproved.
StevenDovich - 2011-07-25