IEEE P1735 Working Group Meeting of August 22, 2011

Meeting Info

Conference Bridge and Live-Meeting


  • Attending
    • Steven Dovich, Cadence DR
    • Dave Graubart, Synopsys DR
    • Michael Smith, Synopsys DRA
    • Ray Martin, Xilinx DR
    • John Shields, Mentor DR
    • Jarek Kaczynski, Aldec DR
    • Dave Clemans, Synopsys DRA

  • Not Attending
    • Parminder Gill, Synopsys DRA
    • Premduth Vidyanandan, Xilinx
    • Nick Sgoupis, CAST
    • Albert Chiang, Synopsys
    • Nitin Khurana, Cadence DRA
    • David Pena, Cadence
    • Joe Daniels, IEEE Standards Association
    • Karlton Lau, Xilinx
    • Gary Delp, Accellera/Silver Loon Systems
    • Bin Dai, Xilinx
    • Ruchi Tyagi, Cadence DRA
    • Syed Huq, Cisco
    • William A Hanna, Boeing
    • Meera Srinivasan, Synopsys
    • Jim Robinson, Synopsys
    • NSS Subramanian, Cadence
    • David Tran, Synopsys


  1. Determine Quorum
  2. Patent slides
  3. Approve agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting minutes from 08/08/2011
  5. Action Items Status
  6. Liaison Reports
  7. Inter-operability Issues
  8. License Management
  9. Key Management
  10. Rights Management
  11. Common Rights and Visibility
  12. Work Plan
  13. Other Business
  14. Adjourn



We have 5/6 eligible entities, and have a working quorum.

Patent Policy

The Patent slides were offered for review.

No new claims were disclosed at the call for essential patent claims.

Agenda Approval

Motion by Jarek, seconded by John. Motion is approved.

Previous Minutes

Dave G moved and Michael seconded the approval of the Aug 8, 2011 minutes. The motion was approved.

Action Item Review

Steven reviewed the open action items.

Steven reported that the e-mail voting for the P&P document closed with no objections, 5/6 entities replied to the call for votes. The e-mail voting for the Key Management recommendations closed with one abstention and no objections, 5/6 entities replied to the call for votes.

Liaison Reports

Steven reported on discussion in P1800/sv-cc regarding visibility concerns.

John reported that P1076 is electing officers and that Jarek has volunteered to capture requirements from P1735 discussions for consideration in P1076.


John suggested an extension to the Digital Envelope use model requested by customers, where an additional per-user control supplements the tool-based key scheme. The group discussion preferred license management approaches over key management to resolve this requirement. The option to require a license to decrypt provides an additional obstacle to IP disclosure, and is a mechanism that hasn't been discussed.

Another open question on this extension is how licensing relates to the rights management semantics. Steven noted that License Management could be viewed as an additional gate to control behavior authorized by Rights Management, augmenting the Design Activity, and Data State that have been discussed under the Rights Management framework. The existing licensing pragmas are expected by a number of group members to be deprecated, though revisiting the decryption licensing controls complicates a decision to abandon that syntax.

Dave G and Michael agreed to work together on a proposal to integrate license management and rights management. John will propose language to extend the use model.

License Management

Key Management

Rights Management

Common Rights and Visibility

Work Plan

Task Requirements/White Paper Writer-ready Specification
Use Model 02-Jul-2008 ???
Trust Model ??? ???
Interoperability 24-Aug-2009 26-Jan-2010
License Management 19-Apr-2011 ???
Visibility Management 23-Jul-2010 ???
Key Management 18-Oct-2010 12-Aug-2011
Rights Control Structures 27-Jun-2011 ???
Common Rights 23-Jul-2011 ???

Other Business

Next Meeting

The next P1735 meeting is scheduled for Sept 19, 2011 at 15:00UTC.

Tentative Agenda

  1. Determine Quorum
  2. Patent slides
  3. Approve agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting minutes from 08/22/2011
  5. Action Items Status
  6. Liaison Reports
  7. Meeting Schedule
  8. Inter-operability Issues
  9. License Management
  10. Key Management
  11. Rights Management
  12. Common Rights and Visibility
  13. Work Plan
  14. Other Business
  15. Adjourn


Motion by John, second by Dave G. Approved by acclamation at 16:21UTC


These minutes are unapproved.

-- StevenDovich - 2011-08-22

Topic revision: r2 - 2011-08-22 - 16:21:36 - StevenDovich
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