IEEE P1735 Working Group Meeting of November 2, 2009
Meeting Info
Conference Bridge and Live-Meeting
- Attending
- Steven Dovich, Cadence
- Dave Clemans, Synopsys
- Michael Smith, Synopsys
- John Shields, Mentor
- Nick Sgoupis, CAST
- Ray Martin, Xilinx
- Dave Graubart, Synopsys
- Syed Huq, Cisco
- Premduth Vidyanandan, Xilinx
- Bin Dai, Xilinx
- Ruchi Tyagi, Cadence
- Not Attending
- Nitin Khurana, Cadence
- Parminder Gill, Synopsys
- William A Hanna, Boeing
- Karlton Lau, Xilinx
- Meera Srinivasan, Synopsys
- Jim Robinson, Synopsys
- NSS Subramanian, Cadence
- David Tran, Synopsys
- Gary Delp, LSI
- Determine Quorum
- Patent slides
- Approve agenda
- Approval of Meeting minutes from 10/19/2009
- Action Items Status
- Liaison Reports
- Meeting Schedule
- Inter-operability testing
- License Management
- Key Management
- Other Business
- Adjourn
We have 4/5 eligible entities, and have a working quorum.
Patent Policy
Patent slides were offered for review.
No new claims were disclosed at the call for essential patent claims.
Agenda Approval
Motion by Dave G, seconded by John. Motion is approved.
Previous Minutes
Duth moved and John seconded the approval of the
October 19, 2009 minutes. The motion was approved.
Action Item Review
Steven reviewed the open action items.
Liaison Reports
P1800 recieved
RevCom approval.
Inter-operability Testing
John identified several questions that need answers with respect to the version pragma.
- Is the version value a real number, an integer number, or a string.
- Where should the version keyword be permitted to appear.
- Where in the decryption envelope should the version keyword appear.
Dave asked about potential conflict between versioned semantics that require secured definition, and requirements to expose that for extracting secured information.
%ACTION{ closed="2009-11-16" closer="Main.StevenDovich" created="2009-11-02" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" state="closed" uid="000006" who="Main.DaveGraubart" }% Will elaborate version keyword concerns on the reflector %ENDACTION%
After discussion on the value for version, the suggestion rose to treat it as integer.
%ACTION{ closed="2010-04-19" closer="Main.StevenDovich" created="2009-11-02" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" state="closed" uid="000007" who="Main.StevenDovich" }% Distribute updated text clarifying the open questions for version keyword %ENDACTION%
License Management
Michael reviewed his progress on license management. He has seen requests for support of counted license management, which we considered previously and decided to avoid because of complexity. Michael is inclined to support the capability with appropriate cautions regarding the overhead.
Michael has also recieved feedback resisting an exclusive server-based interface, and suggesting support for DLL interfaces as well. John asked if there was feedback from the IP producer community regarding expectations for licensing support.
Key Management
Other Business
Next Meeting
The next
P1735 meeting is scheduled for November 16, 2009 at 16:00UTC.
Tentative Agenda
- Determine Quorum
- Patent slides
- Approve agenda
- Approval of Meeting minutes from 11/2/2009
- Action Items Status
- Liaison Reports
- Meeting Schedule
- Inter-operability testing
- License Management
- Key Management
- Other Business
- Adjourn
Motion by Dave G, second by Michael. Approved by acclamation at 16:23UTC
These minutes were approved at the
November 16, 2009 meeting.
StevenDovich - 2009-11-16