IEEE P1735 Working Group Meeting of October 8, 2008
Meeting Info
Conference Bridge and Webex
- Attending
- Steven Dovich, Cadence
- Nitin Khurana, Cadence
- Ruchi Tyagi, Cadence
- Michael Smith, Synopsys
- William A Hanna, Boeing
- Dave Graubart, Synopsys
- Parminder Gill, Synopsys
- Not Attending
- Nick Sgoupis, CAST
- John Shields, Mentor
- Dave Clemans, Synopsys
- Meera Srinivasan, Synopsys
- Syed Huq, Cisco
- Jim Robinson, Synopsys
- NSS Subramanian, Cadence
- David Tran, Synopsys
- Gary Delp, LSI
- Determine Quorum
- Patent slides
- Approve agenda
- Approval of Meeting minutes from 10/1/2008
- Action Items Status
- Liaison Reports
- License Management
- Key Management Issues
- Other Business
- Adjourn
We have 3/4 eligible entities, and have a working quorum.
Patent Policy
Patent slides were offered for review.
No new claims were disclosed at the call for essential patent claims.
Agenda Approval
Motion by Michael, seconded by Dave G. Motion is approved.
Previous Minutes
Dave G. moved and Michael seconded the approval of the
October 1, 2008 minutes. The motion was approved.
Action Item Review
Steven reviewed the open action items. Michael has closed several items relating to license management. Nitin has closed the investigation into open-source implementations of certificate management APIs. Steven has a draft version of the workplan in Microsoft Project and plans to review that with Bill before the next meeting.
Liaison Reports
No reports.
License Management
Michael reviewed the Secure Dynamic Library Call approach to addressing license management. Dave G explored several concerns and the group discussed how Michael's proposal would address those concerns.
%ACTION{ closed="2008-10-14" closer="" created="2008-10-08" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" notify="" state="closed" uid="000047" who="Main.DaveGraubart" }% Update the License Management page with additional issues for consideration
Key Management Issues
Nitin reviewed the available support in
OpenSSL for the defined certificate key signature algorithms.
%ACTION{ closed="2008-11-10" closer="" created="2008-10-08" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" notify="Main.StevenDovich" state="closed" uid="000048" who="Main.NitinKhurana" }% Update the Key Management page with reference links for the various Certificate standards we reference there.
Other Business
Motion by Dave G, second by Bill. Approved by acclamation at 1:00 pm CDT
These minutes were approved at the
October 22, 2008 meeting.
StevenDovich - 22 Oct 2008