Note: These action items were previously associated with meeting minutes and have been closed there and opened here to track actions that are still relevant but deferred to future standards activity

%ACTION{ created="2009-04-06" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" state="open" uid="000049" who="" }% Feedback on terms/conditions acceptable to tool vendors for an open test suite %ENDACTION% %ACTION{ created="2009-04-06" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" state="open" uid="000050" who="" }% Need support for test suite hosting %ENDACTION% %ACTION{ created="2009-04-06" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" state="open" uid="000051" who="" }% Draft a proposal for test suite structure %ENDACTION% %ACTION{ created="2009-02-02" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" state="open" uid="000052" who="Main.RuchiTyagi" }% Work with John Shields on requirements and prototype suggestions for inter-operability validation %ENDACTION% %ACTION{ created="2009-04-20" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" state="open" uid="000053" who="Main.RuchiTyagi" }% Validate interoperability for X.509 key exchange %ENDACTION% %ACTION{ created="2008-09-03" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" state="open" uid="000054" who="" }% Investigate certificate validity issues and propose a recommendation for P1735 %ENDACTION% %ACTION{ created="2008-09-03" creator="Main.StevenDovich" due="" state="open" uid="000055" who="" }% Analysis of IP author perspectives on certificate expiration %ENDACTION%

-- StevenDovich - 2013-09-20

Topic revision: r2 - 2013-09-20 - 20:24:14 - StevenDovich
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