Statistics for P1685 Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Jan 2016 241 0 0  49 WebCreateNewTopic
 33 WebHome
 14 WebSearch
 14 DraftStandard
 12 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 OtherFiles
 11 WebIndex
 11 SchemaFiles
 11 WebTopicEditTemplate
 10 WebPreferences
 10 WebChanges
Dec 2015 417 0 0  73 WebHome
 50 WebCreateNewTopic
 27 WebSearch
 22 WebSearchAdvanced
 22 WebNotify
 21 WebIndex
 20 WebTopicList
 20 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
 20 WebStatistics
 19 DraftStandard
 19 SchemaFiles
Nov 2015 513 0 0 254 WebHome
 50 WebCreateNewTopic
 23 WebNotify
 18 WoringGroupMinutes
 16 WebTopicList
 16 WebSearch
 16 WebChanges
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 WebPreferences
 13 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
 13 WebStatistics
Oct 2015 471 0 0 153 WebHome
 50 WebPreferences
 31 WebCreateNewTopic
 26 WebStatistics
 21 WebChanges
 21 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
 19 WebNotify
 18 WebSearchAdvanced
 17 WebSearch
 16 WebTopicList
 15 WebTopicEditTemplate
Sep 2015 242 0 0  36 WebHome
 17 WebCreateNewTopic
 15 WebPreferences
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 WebSearch
 13 SchemaFiles
 13 WebStatistics
 12 WebTopicList
 12 WebIndex
 12 WoringGroupMinutes
 12 WebNotify
Aug 2015 648 0 0 106 WebHome
 54 WebStatistics
 53 WebPreferences
 48 WebCreateNewTopic
 38 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
 37 WebSearchAdvanced
 37 WebChanges
 36 WebSearch
 35 WebNotify
 32 WebTopicList
 26 WebIndex
Jul 2015 449 0 0 185 WebHome
 49 WebCreateNewTopic
 18 WebSearchAdvanced
 18 WebSearch
 16 WebTopicList
 15 WebPreferences
 15 WebChanges
 14 WebNotify
 14 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
 14 WebStatistics
 13 WebIndex
Jun 2015 536 0 0 216 WebHome
 64 WebCreateNewTopic
 27 WebStatistics
 26 WebPreferences
 22 WebChanges
 22 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
 20 WebTopicList
 19 WebNotify
 18 WebSearchAdvanced
 18 WebSearch
 15 WoringGroupMinutes
May 2015 279 0 0  69 WebHome
 26 WebCreateNewTopic
 14 WebTopicList
 14 WebNotify
 13 WebSearch
 13 WebPreferences
 13 WebChanges
 13 WebLeftBar
 12 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 SchemaFiles
 12 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
Apr 2015 71 0 0  28 WebHome
 11 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 WebTopicEditTemplate
  4 WebIndex
  4 DraftStandard
  4 WebLeftBar
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebSearch
  3 SchemaFiles
  2 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  2 WoringGroupMinutes
Mar 2015 46 0 0  26 WebHome
  5 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebPreferences
  1 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebLeftBar
  1 WebChanges
Feb 2015 39 0 0  10 WebCreateNewTopic
 10 WebHome
  5 WebSearch
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebPreferences
  1 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 WebIndex
  1 WoringGroupMinutes
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebStatistics
Jan 2015 81 0 0  34 WebHome
 10 WebChanges
  7 WebNotify
  6 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebSearch
  3 WebPreferences
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  2 WebStatistics
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
Dec 2014 80 0 0  39 WebHome
  6 WebChanges
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebStatistics
  3 WebCreateNewTopic
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebPreferences
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
Nov 2014 112 0 0  25 OtherFiles
 24 WebHome
  9 WebSearch
  9 WebChanges
  7 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  6 WebNotify
  5 DraftStandard
  4 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  4 WebPreferences
  3 WebTopicList
Oct 2014 115 0 0  77 WebHome
  4 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebChanges
  4 WebStatistics
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebPreferences
  3 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  2 WorkingGroupDocuments
Sep 2014 137 0 0  58 WebHome
 21 DraftStandard
 10 WebNotify
  8 OtherFiles
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  7 WebTopicEditTemplate
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebChanges
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebPreferences
  3 WorkingGroupDocuments
Aug 2014 55 0 0  44 WebHome
  2 WebCreateNewTopic
  2 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebTopicEditTemplate
  1 WebIndex
  1 SchemaFiles
  1 WebLeftBar
Jul 2014 164 0 0 110 WebHome
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  6 WebNotify
  6 WebStatistics
  6 WebChanges
  5 WebCreateNewTopic
  5 WebTopicList
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebPreferences
  2 DraftStandard
Jun 2014 66 0 0  26 WebHome
  9 WorkingGroupDocuments
  8 OtherFiles
  5 DraftStandard
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebNotify
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  1 WebCreateNewTopic
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebStatistics
May 2014 49 0 0  31 WebHome
  3 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
  3 WebPreferences
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebStatistics
  1 WebCreateNewTopic
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebNotify
  1 DraftStandard
Apr 2014 236 10 9  92 WebHome
 42 WorkingGroupMinutes
 26 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
 24 WorkingGroupDocuments
 20 OtherFiles
 15 DraftStandard
  4 WebTopicList
  3 WebStatistics
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebChanges
  1 WebCreateNewTopic
 19 MarkNoll
Mar 2014 164 2 1  85 WebHome
 27 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
 15 WorkingGroupDocuments
 10 DraftStandard
  9 WorkingGroupMinutes
  5 OtherFiles
  4 WebStatistics
  4 WebChanges
  2 WebSearch
  1 WebCreateNewTopic
  1 WebNotify
  3 MarkNoll
Feb 2014 192 13 11  81 WebHome
 28 WorkingGroupDocuments
 22 WorkingGroupMinutes
 21 OtherFiles
 17 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
 15 DraftStandard
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebCreateNewTopic
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebStatistics
 24 MarkNoll
Jan 2014 665 44 28 230 WebHome
129 WorkingGroupDocuments
 57 OtherFiles
 55 DraftStandard
 55 WorkingGroupMeetingSchedule
 37 WorkingGroupMinutes
 26 SchemaFiles
 18 WebPreferences
 13 WebTopicEditTemplate
 11 WebNotify
  9 WebCreateNewTopic
 58 MarkNoll
 11 DavidCourtright
  3 DavidSmith
Mar 2011 0 0 0    
Feb 2011 0 0 0    
Oct 2010 0 0 0    
Sep 2010 0 0 0    
Aug 2010 0 0 0    
Apr 2010 0 0 0    
Mar 2010 0 0 0    
Jan 2010 0 0 0    
Nov 2009 0 0 0    


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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
Topic revision: r730 - 2016-01-16 - 08:00:15 - TWikiAdminGroup
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