Getting Involved

Entity based working group

The P1666.1 is an entity-based working group, which means that the participants are representatives from entities (such as corporations, government agencies or academic institutions) for corporate standards projects. As such, IEEE-SA corporate membership is required to participate in the P1666.1 working group.

IEEE-SA membership

To participate in the P1666.1 working group, an IEEE-SA Corporate Membership is required. More information on the membership application can be found here. You can check if your company is already Corporate Member, listed on the member index.

Registration procedure IEEE-SA myproject

Register on the Twiki

To gain access to the P1666.1 Working Group member area, a Twiki account is necessary. Please send an email to the Working Group chair to get your personal Twiki account installed, as self-registration on the wiki is not possible.

Topic revision: r5 - 2014-11-30 - 22:23:30 - MartinBarnasconi
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