Meeting 102

Meeting 102


  • Voting members
    • Darren Galpin
    • Andy Piziali
    • Yuri Tsoglin
  • Non-voting members
    • Alan Perlman
    • Efrat Shneydor
  1. Minutes:
    • Andy approved, Yuri seconded
  2. New features that have been added to Specman
    • Yuri created the list and e-mailed
    • We have to get permission from Cadence that we can contribute the relevant documentation to ieee
  3. Action:
    • Yuri to get list of new features which have been added to Specman/e.
    • Darren to send Yuri a copy of the approval letter that was in the past
    • Efrat – understand from Hannes what was done in the past
  4. Some links are broken on the webpage, report to Darren of specific broken links
  5. Alan Perlman informed about going on retirement on February 2018. Don’t know yet who will assume responsibility of documentation tasks.
  6. Next meeting:
    • 20 November
  7. Meeting adjourned
    • 16:20 UTC.

-- Efrat Shneydor - 2017-09-25


Topic revision: r2 - 2017-09-27 - 14:47:27 - EfratShneydor
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