Teleconference, Monday, March 23, 2015, 1700 UTC; 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time
A quorum of 3out of 3 voting members present. 2 non-voting members were also present. Attendance and voter status indicated on the on-line roster.Attendees
Voting members
Darren Galpin
Andy Piziali
Hannes Froehlich
Non-voting members
Yuri Tsoglin
Mike Bartley
Alan Perlman
1. Call to order meeting 90 on March 23rd at 10:07 am PST (1707 UTC)2. Approval of February 23rd meeting minutes (meeting 89)
Mike motioned, Hannes to second
3. Status update
March 23 Status
Ballot for mantis issues 4311 and 4490 approved
Several smaller things open: macro related issue, core types/keywords, set type (mantis 4124), consume (keyword list)
Yuri working on it, should be done in the next 2 weeks
Hoping to get things done within the next 2 months. End of June final balloting.
If open issues closed by end of June, we can put it in front of DASC and then IEEE procedure. So Nov/December may be a good target.
Action Items
Editor Slot
March 23 Update (Alan)
no further updates
4. Other business
Any other business?
Mail a message to (the general email reflector) if you were not recorded in these minutes
5. Call for essential patents
The IEEE-SA updated the patent policy effective April 2008