Teleconference, Monday, November 17, 2014, 1700 UTC; 9:00 am Pacific Standard Time
A quorum of 2out of 4 voting members present. 1 non-voting members were also present. Attendance and voter status indicated on the on-line roster.Attendees
Voting members Andy Piziali Yaron Kashai Darren Galpin Hannes Froehlich
Non-voting members Mike Bartley Yuri Tsoglin Stefan Birman Alan Perlman
1. Call to order meeting 87 on November 17th at 9:07 am PST (1707 UTC)2. Approval of October 20th meeting minutes (meeting 86)
Andy motioned, Mike to second
3. Status update
November 17 Status
Temporal WG (Mike)
All documents are with Alan. Alan can't say when he will get to it.
Messaging and Types (Yuri)
No progress from last meeting (waiting for Alan on type related things, no progress on messages)
Stefan -> to send edited documents to Darren after discussion with Yuri.
Yuri to look at Mantis 4956 (x/z support for real ports, see MVL value list).
Waiting for coverage docs to come back.
TLM2 still not done.
Action Items
Editor Slot
November 17 Update (Alan)
Currently no change in editing
4. Other business
Any other business?
Approved in DASC to add this as an extension to 1800 SV standard - 1800.2
Perhaps look at this after the latest revision passed with an eye to creating a 1647.2 request, taking the donated document and then mapping it to the UVM for e as already in use.
Others expressed concerns. Darren encouraged all to respond with concerns
Mail a message to (the general email reflector) if you were not recorded in these minutes
5. Call for essential patents
The IEEE-SA updated the patent policy effective April 2008