Teleconference, Monday, September 8, 2014, 1600 UTC; 9:00 am Pacific Standard Time
A quorum of 4 out of 4 voting members present. 2 non-voting members were also present.
Attendance and voter status indicated on the<a target="_blank" href="">
on-line roster</a>
- Voting members
- Andrew Piziali
- Darren Galpin
- Yaron Kashai
- Hannes Froehlich
- Non-voting members
- Srinivasan Venkataramanan
- Mike Bartley
- Yuri Tsoglin
- Alan Perlman
1. Call to order meeting 85 on September 8th at 9:05 am PST (1705 UTC)
2. Approval of August 11th meeting minutes (meeting 84)
- Yaron motioned, Mike to second
3. Status update
- September 8 Status
- Temporal WG (Mike)
- Yuri has taken over documentation on temporal WG
- Released 2 docs (events.doc and temporal.doc), ready for general review
- Alan to send out pdf for review
- Procedural API doc still under construction (few days)
- Messaging and Types (Yuri)
- Set type update almost done, sent to Alan for edit
- Template update under ballot
- No progress on messaging
- Darren
- Ballot on constraints/read_only have gone through
- Instance based coverage issue dumped on Hannes, to be done in October
- Darren to start looking at outstanding issues (like TLM interface types)
- Action Items
- Editor Slot
- September 8 Update (Alan)
- Currently no change in editing
4. Other business
- Any other business?
- Trying to add this as an extension to 1800 SV standard
- Darren: questionable to attach methodology to a languages, this would open the door for every language to add such a methodology document, which leads to misalignment
- Others expressed concerns. Darren encouraged all to respond with concerns
- Mail a message to <a target="_blank" href=""></a> (the general email reflector) if you were not recorded in these minutes
5. Call for essential patents
- The IEEE-SA updated the patent policy effective April 2008
- The details are available in updated slide set at<a target="_blank" href=""></a>. (See "Patent related" from the IEEE 1647 home page, "Slides About IEEE Patent Policy").
- If you believe that any patent claims are essential patent claims, please inform the working group. Review the posted slides for more information.
6. Next meeting
- October 20th at 9am PST ( 1700 UTC )
7. Adjourn
- Andy P motioned
- Alan seconded
- Motion approved
- Meeting adjourned at 9:23 PDT (17:23 UTC)
HannesFroehlich - 2014-09-08