Meeting 75 Minutes
Teleconference, Monday, March 18, 2013, 1600 UTC; 9:00 am Pacific Standard Time
A quorum of 5 out of 6 voting members present. 4 non-voting members were also present.
Attendance and voter status indicated on the on-line roster .
- Voting members
- Brett Lammers
- Andrew Piziali
- Yaron Kashai
- Darren Galpin
- Joe Hupcey
- Non-voting members
- Hannes Froehlich
- Srinivasan Venkataramanan
- Iraklis Diamantidis
- Yuri Tsoglin
1. Call to order meeting 75 on March 18th at 9:04 am PST (1604 UTC)
2. Approval of Dec 3rd meeting 74 minutes
- Solicit motion to approve the meeting 74 minutes
- Joe H. motions to approve meeting 74 minutes
- Srini V. seconded
- Meeting 74 Minutes approved
3. Status update
- March 18 Status
- PAR has been approved
- Starting donation period
- Joe to look into the legal issues for Cadence donations (Darren to send reminder)
- Darren is proposing 3 mo. donation period
- Joe brought up the question of putting the group on hiatus after discussion with Stan K
- Idea being that maybe the spec is fairly mature, could allow more time for other parties to digest and contribute, does not mean the end of the WG
- Could open donation period to be longer (6mo-1yr)
- Darren mentioned that there are a number of new specman features that we want to pick up
- Yaron also mentioned that having the PAR approved does start a clock ticking (5yr?)
- Andy mentioned that maybe we need to add a check to the PAR creation process for this idea
- Srini asked how do users who do not have time to develop a feature donate a feature. What is the definition of a donation?
- Darren mentioned that we can just add it as a mantis issues
- Donations can be two forms
- More productized features like those from Cadence
- Feature requests (ie from users) sent to the forum where it will be decided by the WG if it should be added
- Conclusion: 6 mo. donation period seems to be favored
- Does not mean that we will not have meetings (separate problem...can call meetings any time)
- No new mantis issues
- Darren: expect abort feature? Hannes to put in Mantis place holder
- Dec 3 Status
- DASC did approve going to NesCom for approval
- After NesCom aproval we would go into a donation period
- Need to iron out any legal issues around donations from Cadence
- Joe H. will look into it and report back
- Mike Bartley is resigning his vice chair position
- Will wait about week for voluteers and then go to the DASC chair to nominate someone
- Darren will also send out an email on the reflector asking for volunteers
- Amy W. also will not be able to fill the editor role
- Joe will talk to some potential candidates and report back to the WG
- Hannes will submit a mantis issue (high level details only) to track the new messaging content from cadence
- Sept 10 Status
- Current issues Update
- "Consume" issue does now have a mantis issue 4112
- Matan added mantis issue 4312 for Structured Debug Messaging
- No mantis issue yet for reflection
- Hannes: Cadence is still making additional reflection changes and would like to wait until after those changes stablize before submitting something to Mantis. Hannes can have conversation with Candence Language team and report back.
- Darren would like to have that info within the next 6 month in prep for PARS submission
- Place holder mantis issue 4124 for new set type has been submitted
- Constraints issue Matan brought up has not yet been submitted
- "On event" issue has been added as manits item
- Looks like we have enough issues for a new PAR
- Darren will work with Andy and Yaron to start this process
- LRM has been released and is online in the IEEE store
- April 23 Status
- There is an issue submitted on the currently submittted draft. The key word "consume" is usedin the key word table but not defined elswhere in the spec
- This key word does have functionality with regards to events
- Darren: Needs to go into next version. Darren will reply to Mantis issue
- Structured Debug Messages and Reflection Enhancements have not yet been added to Mantis.
- Other enhancements
- Joe: Should we add something around UVMe?
- Matan: There are some new things here (tesflow phases, UVM scoreboard, Low power)
- Maybe should not be included in LRM as it is an open source and already part of another spec/methodology (i.e. UVM)
- Implemented in 100% standard e as a library and no language changes/additions
- Hannes: Specman RnD working on sets.
- Darren will work with Hannes to get this into Mantis
- Matan: A lot of work has been Constraint semantics (order, implications etc). Now there are very clear definitions that could update what is in the LRM
- Most pproblematic in the past has been order. There has been a lot of work here in Specman including a new solver.
- Improvements in lists, when subtypes etc
- Matan to go through LRM and propose changes relative to constraint solving in Mantis issue
- Matan: There is also generalization of "on <event>". Now it can be used for events outside of the current scope.
- Matan to create a note in Mantis
- What is the status of a new LRM version
- Still waiting for last version to close out
- Would need to submit request for new version (i.e. new PAR)
- Then would ask for donations (i.e. Cadence to submit docs on features)
- When is the right time?
- Add in the items that came in todays meeting into mantis (mentioned above)
- Wait for a few more months and see if we want a new version
- Oct 11 Status
- July 11th Status
- Editor Slot
March 18th Update
Dec 3rd Update
Sept 10th Update
Apr 23rd Update
Oct 11 Update
July 11 Update
Mar 28 Update
Feb 14 Update
Amy will make the changes she can and wait for additional input on the issues that needed additioanl feedback.
New version will include "internal review" change bars
Amy and Darren will exchange the spreadsheet to track the issues and respond correctly to the SA website
Dec 13 Update
Sept 13 Update
Will create new draft for ratification
Proposal to create a version for WG balloting that contains change bars.
Draft for SA balloting will not contain change bars.
4. Other business
- Any other business?
- Mail a message to (the general email reflector) if you were not recorded in these minutes
5. Call for essential patents
The IEEE-SA updated the patent policy effective April 2008
The details are available in updated slide set at (See "Patent related" from the IEEE 1647 home page, "Slides About IEEE Patent Policy").
If you believe that any patent claims are essential patent claims, please inform the working group. Review the posted slides for more information.
6. Next meeting
7. Adjourn
BrettLammers - 2013-04-19