Meeting 70 Minutes
Teleconference, Monday, July 11, 2011, 1600 UTC; 9:00 am Pacific Daylight Time A quorum of 5 out of 7 voting members present. 4 non-voting members were also present.Action Items
July 11 Update
No Update
Mar 28 Update
No Update
Feb 14 Update
Amy will make the changes she can and wait for additional input on the issues that needed additioanl feedback.
New version will include "internal review" change bars
Amy and Darren will exchange the spreadsheet to track the issues and respond correctly to the SA website
Dec 13 Update
Would like to talk with Darren
about how to backup final FrameMaker files
who should Amy work with to provide source files to IEEE
Sept 13 Update
Will create new draft for ratification
Proposal to create a version for WG balloting that contains change bars.
Draft for SA balloting will not contain change bars
July 26 Update
Been working to turn around any Mantis issues in about 1 day.
June 21 Update
Amy will release a new draft after reviewing any new issues from Matan
Amy will also need a list of reviewers to add to the document
May 24 Update
waiting for Mantis issues to be resolved and produce a new draft.
April 19 Update
Need to talk to someone about using Mantis (Darren to follow-up after meeting)
March 8 Update
Have not had time to make much progress since the last meeting but should be starting back up soon
February 8 Update
The IEEE-SA updated the patent policy effective April 2008
The details are available in updated slide set at (See "Patent related" from the IEEE 1647 home page, "Slides About IEEE Patent Policy").
If you believe that any patent claims are essential patent claims, please inform the working group. Review the posted slides for more information.
Oct 10th at 9 am PST ( 1600 UTC )
Joe H. motioned
Andy P. seconded
Motion approved
Meeting adjourned at 9:16 PDT (16:16 UTC)