Teleconference, Monday, January 23, 2017, 1700 UTC; 09:00 am Pacific Standard Time
A quorum of 3 out of 4 voting members present. 2 non-voting members were present.
Attendance and voter status indicated on the
on-line roster.
- Voting members
- Darren Galpin
- Andy Piziali
- Yuri Tsoglin
- Non-voting members
- Efrat Shneydor
- Alan Perlman
1. Call to order meeting 100 on January 23rd at 1716 UTC
2. Approval of October 10th meeting minutes (meeting 99)
- Andy motioned, Yuri to second
3. Status update
- Standard now published. Enter a roughly six month period while we await feedback. At the end of this can consider a new PAR for a future revision.
- Elections for Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary underway. Please vote!
- Action Items
- Editor Slot
4. Other business
5. Call for essential patents
- The IEEE-SA updated the patent policy effective Jan 2015
- The details are available in updated slide set at
. (See "Patent related" from the IEEE 1647 home page, "Slides About IEEE Patent Policy").
- If you believe that any patent claims are essential patent claims, please inform the working group. Review the posted slides for more information.
6. Next meeting
- April 24th at 09am PST ( 1700 UTC )
7. Adjourn