IEEE P1076.1 Working Group Telco Meeting Minutes - August 12, 2015, 8am PDT (15:00 UTC)
Status: approved by WG on September 9, 2015
- Ernst Christen, Mentor Graphics (WG chair)
- Alain Vachoux, EPFL (LRM editor)
- Joachim Haase (note taker)
This was a web meeting. The main discussion topics of the meeting are covered by the
meeting slides. The minutes complement the meeting slides.
- Call to order
- Approval of agenda
- Administrative issues
- Minutes of July 8, 2015 meeting
- Review of IEEE patent policy
- P1076 coordination
- Project discussions
- LCS 201x-03 Architecture statements: follow-up
- LCS 201x-04 Types and natures: follow-up
- LCS 201x-05 Expressions: review
- LCS 201x-06 Sequential stetements: review
- LRM status
- Next meeting
- Adjourn
Call to order
Ernst started the meeting at 8:04 am PDT. Attendees constitute a quorum.
Approval of agenda
Agenda was approved with no objections.
Administrative issues
Approval of July 8, 2015 minutes
July 8, 2015 minutes were approved with no objections.
Patent policy
Ernst offered to show the patent policy, but presentation was unnecessary since the attendees are all regulars.
P1076 coordinationErnst was in contact with Jim Lewis (Chair of the IEEE P1076 WG)and will continue the coordination with him. They will discuss the issues how to coordinate the revisions of the LRMs. Both WGs have the same timeline. One issue is how to handle new packages. It has to be clarified whether the packages should be provided as open-source software or part of the standard.
Project discussion
LRM statusFor details regarding the status see the
meeting slides. The
P1076.1-201X LRM editing information is provided in the Member-only area. Alain prepared the
Baseline State IEEE 1076.1-201x/BL0.1 document dated August 11, 2015. One revision shall be provided after finishing mandatory changes. Afterwards, new versions with new functionality will be created. It shall be distinguished between working versions and published versions that may be visible to other people.
LCS discussion
Language Change Specifications are available in the Member-only area. The required changes are marked by a color scheme
- Text common to all versions of P1076 and 1076.1
- Text specific to P1076-2002
- Text specific to P1076-2008
- Text specific to P1076.1-2007
- New text for P1076.1-201x (underlined)
Colors for deleted text are used in the same way. Ernst takes comments into account and is going to update the status of the documents. In the discussion, some special issues were clarified
- LCS-04: Support of unbounded natures and sub-natures is specified. Unbounded means fully unconstrained or partially constrained.
- LCS-05: Some kind of rules for the conversion from non-Boolean types to Boolean type for conditions are necessary and specified in the LCS.
Other projectsThere was no progress of other projects reported.
Next steps
- Handling of copyrighted material
- P&P revision
Next meeting
Wednesday, September 9, 2015, 8.00am PDT (15:00 UTC).
No other business.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:16 am PDT.
JoachimHaase - 2015-08-12