Level Sensitive Wait
Proposal Information
Requirement Summary
Level Sensitive Wait
WaitRepeat proposes modifying the language syntax of the wait statement.
A Code Solution
This can easily be accomplished with the code
if A /= Level then
wait until A = Level ;
end if;
However, what is being sought is a more concise solution.
Encapsulation with a Procedure
If the following worked, it would be an acceptable solution. However while a signal input to an entity allows expressions with VHDL-2008, a signal input to a parameter of a subprogram does not.
procedure WaitLevel (
signal condition : in boolean
) is
if not condition then
wait until condition ;
end if ;
end procedure WaitLevel ;
General support issues: When an expression is passed as input signal parameter, it would have the default value of the type (here false) until a delta cycle passes. Here that works just fine.
Language Based Solution
wait when A /= '1' ;
Equivalent to and would be defined by the following transformation:
if A /= '1' then
wait until A = '1' ;
end if;
An explicit condition_clause (until) would replace the implicit condition clause and hence,
wait when A /= '1' until rising_edge(Clk) and C = '1' ;
Transforms to
if A /= '1' then
wait until rising_edge(Clk) and C = '1' ;
end if;
It should be noted that the more likely form of the above is shown below.
"C" was used to demonstrate the full intent - there were historical misinterpretations
of "wait on A until B" as to whether "B" was in the sensitivity list or not (it is not).
wait when A /= '1' until rising_edge(Clk) and A = '1' ;
wait_statement ::=
[ label : ] wait [ when_clause ] [ sensitivity_clause ] [ condition_clause ] [ timeout_clause ] ;
when_clause ::= when condition
sensitivity_clause ::= on sensitivity_list
sensitivity_list ::= signal_name { , signal_name }
condition_clause ::= until condition
timeout_clause ::= for time_expression
JimLewis - 2020-10-30 As I was coding, this popped into my thoughts, so I captured it. Still forming thoughts about it.
A process with a wait when may never wait, and hence, for simulators that report issues with a "possible infinite loop" will still report that if the only wait is a wait when.
JimLewis - 2014-06-22 Personally I am not excited about a syntax based solution as it would potentially make the wait statement even more complex. OTOH, allowing in parameter signals to have an expression and solving this using a procedure in a package would be a good solution.
Arguments Against