P1076 Voting Information

P1076 Voting Records

Name          08/10 07/13
Jim Lewis voted voted
Peter Ashenden voted voted
Martin Thompson voted voted
David Koontz voted voted
Chuck Swart voted voted
Jonas Nilsson - -
John Shields voted -
Chris Higgs voted voted
Jarek 'Jerry' Kaczynski voted voted
David W. Bishop - voted
David W. Smith voted voted
Ryan Hinton - -
Daniel Kho voted voted
Hans Tiggeler voted voted
John Aynsley voted -
Peter Flake voted voted
Nels Vander Zanden voted voted
Charles Gardiner voted -
Bert Molenkamp voted voted
Dennis Brophy - voted
Colin Paul Gloster voted -
Ernst Christen voted -

Voting Records Directory for study group and VHDL-2008

Topic revision: r3 - 2011-08-11 - 17:16:30 - JimLewis
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