Currently, there is no convenient way of describing dual-edge-triggered flip-flops. Existing implementations rely on working around synthesis tools, or instantiating a vendor-specific DDR IP.
Synthesisable 'event attribute for dual-edge triggers. Synthesis tools can infer DDR blocks or have a dual-edge trigger configuration using multiple flip-flops.
Related and/or Competing Issues
Clocked Shorthand - syntax example using [if rising_edge(clk) or falling_edge(clk) then...] may be replaced with [if clk'event then...].
Implementation details
Code Examples
Example of 'event attribute used in a dual-edge-triggered flip-flop.
process(clk) is
if clk'event then
/* Output q is triggered at both edges of the clk. */
end if;
end process;
Use Cases
Arguments FOR
Arguments AGAINST
General Comments
Add your signature here to indicate your support for the proposal
-- DanielKho - 2015-01-02
-- PatrickLehmann - 2016-02-19