Raw Requirements, Originally on Bottom of Page
Timing Information similar to SDC in VHDL
See proposal:
- include timing information in native VHDL. Similar to SDC, but in native VHDL. Probably with attributes? This was suggested by someone earlier.
- We already have "time" and "after", perhaps we can use these to define timing constraints.
Standardise switch-level modelling
Need Proposal
- Standardise switch-level modelling (there are already a few VHDL implementation models of MOSFETs available). -- DanielKho - 2011-07-01
Simulation Controls
See proposal:
- Simulation Controls
- In a hierarchy of tools, allowing foreign interface to control run time (as in verification)
- class of capabilities, such as save and restore model image for known good state starting point
- Simulation set up, exit
- error/status reporting/exception handling (call back?)
- PSL compatability
useful for cosimulation and system simulation driven externally or external stimulus and validation
Synthesizable Constructs -- DanielKho - 2011-06-29
Synthesis of Real
See proposal:
- Allow synthesis of reals. Underlying model can use the fixed or floating point packages.
- Solutions already available with floating / fixed point packages, so they can be re-used as underlying models for real types.
Synthesis of 'event
See proposal
SynthesizableEvent synthesisable 'event attribute for dual-edge triggers. Synthesis tools can infer DDR blocks or have a dual-edge trigger configuration using multiple flip-flops.
process(clk) is
if clk'event then
/* Output q is triggered at both edges of the clk. */
end if;
end process;
Another example coding style for multi-clock FFs, refer slide 13 of <a target="_blank" href="http://www.synthworks.com/papers/vhdl_rtl_synthesis_1076_6_dvcon_2004_s.pdf">http://www.synthworks.com/papers/vhdl_rtl_synthesis_1076_6_dvcon_2004_s.pdf</a>
Synthesis of Report
See Proposal:
- synthesisable "report" and "assert" statements, with the use of a physical interface bus (such as a UART, etc.) to act similar to a simulation console (or simulation log file).
Package Updates
See proposal
- Modify the "fixed_generic_pkg-body.vhdl" to correct errors -- DavidBishop - 2013-08-28
- Modify the "float_generic_pkg-body.vhdl" to correct errors. -- DavidBishop - 2013-08-28
- Proposal.txt: Instructions to fix bugs in "fixed_generic_pkg-body.vhdl", "float_generic_pkg-body.vhdl" and the fixed point documentaiton
Topic revision: r3 - 2020-02-17 - 15:34:37 -