package util is type logger is protected procedure log(msg : string; sev : severity_level); end protected; end package; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.util.logger; package factory is generic( type tpe; generic1 : natural; generic2 : string ); shared variable foo : logger; type bus_rec is record clk : std_logic; rst : std_logic; element1 : tpe; element2 : std_logic; element3 : std_logic_vector(generic1 downto 0); end record; type bus_rec_arr is array (natural range <>) of bus_rec; port view master of bus_rec is -- port view or port bus? element1 => in; element2 => out; end port view master; port view slave of bus_rec is element1 => out; element2 => in; end port view master; end package; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity e_sub is generic( package f is new work.factory generic map(<>) ); port( bus_r : f.master for f.bus_rec; bus_r_slaves : /**/ f.bus_rec_arr ); end; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity e is generic( package f is new work.factory generic map(<>) ); port( bus_r : /* */ f.bus_rec; bus_r_slaves : /* */ f.bus_rec_arr ); end entity e; architecture RTL of e is begin e_sub_inst : entity work.e_sub generic map(f => f) port map( bus_r => bus_r, bus_r_slaves => bus_r_slaves ); end architecture RTL; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity top is end entity; architecture RTL of top is package factory is new work.factory generic map ( tpe => integer, generic1 => 10, generic2 => "foobar" ); use factory.all; signal clk, rst : std_logic; signal clk2 : std_logic; signal m : bus_rec; port master_bus : bus_rec; -- master or slave modifier not required? port slave_busses : bus_rec_arr(0 to 10); begin -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Association operations: How do these signals/ports connect? -- Option 1: Can we dynamically reassociate signals to one another? clk2 <=> clk; m.clk <=> clk ; -- Option 2: How about a port map to associate true signals to the port master_bus_inst : /* view */ master_bus port map ( clk => rst, rst => rst, others => new ) -- Option 3: Hybrid, a mapping operator but the port is still different -- than a signal. master_bus <=> m; master_bus <=> ( clk => rst, rst => rst, others => new ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- lbl : for i in 0 to 10 generate slave_bus_inst : slave_busses(i) port map ( clk => clk, rst => rst, others => new -- elementx => ??? ) end generate lbl; e_inst : entity work.e generic map( f => factory ); port map( bus_r => master_bus, bus_r_slaves => slave_busses ); end architecture RTL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is more discussion of association, not necessarily directly -- relating to interfaces. entity clk_extractor is port ( WB_SYS : in t_wb_sys; o : out std_logic); end entity clk_extractor; architecture Behavioral of clk_extractor is port internal : std_logic; begin internal <=> WB_SYS.CLK_I; internal <=> o; end architecture Behavioral; entity model is port (A : bus1 ; B : bus1 ; ...) ; end entity model ; architecture behav of model is begin I <=> A