P1076 March 31, 2011 Meeting Minutes
IEEE patent policy (please read before meeting)
Approve March 17 meeting minutes: Motion:
JarekKaczynski 2nd:
Continue discussion of language change requirements.
Use the Twiki Collected Requirements Page
The twiki page,
Requirements List is there for you to edit and add requirements to. Make sure to login to the twiki site first. Basic editing can be done in the Wysiwyg editor and you really don't need to know Twiki to do it. Just edit and save.
The html address of this page is:
AI Jim: remind people to post to collected requirements
AI Peter: add stuff on C interface
AI All: Please add things that you have posted to the reflector that you want accumulated and logged for further consideration
Comments on Evan and Jon Bromley comments
Evan and Jon Bromley expressed concern that perhaps 'e' and
SystemVerilog are so far ahead that VHDL should not implement verification features.
David Koontz: Updating is technically risky - 2nd
Hans - update or VHDL users will be obliged to switch to other RTL languages eventually.
Jim - Through usage of protected types and package generics, VHDL can already implement data structures, such as scoreboards, FIFOs, memories. I have a first pass at a functional coverage package than can implement much of the capability of SV and e with respect to writing cross coverage and have plans to address issues in future revisions. We can already do procedural randomization, also using packages, and implement many of the language patterns introduced in SV.
One of the concerns expressed by Evan, "Will VHDL200x be used by engineers, or programmers?" I think both and that one of the requirements is that the verification methodology introduced by VHDL be more accessible to hardware engineers.
Other Ideas/Enhancements
David K: Support for unicode - internationalization - character set - how to deal with correctly
Peter - standardize interface between VHDL & Verilog
Peter - Dynamic processes - Application ?? Program sequentially and fork
Jim - Dynamic instantiation with generate?
Library of Components
David Bishop - fairly straight forward
Jim - what enhancements needed to facilitate this? In a previous email I suggested something of the form:
function Mux4 ( Sel : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ; A : in anonymous ; B, C, D : in A'subtype ) return A'subtype ;
David K - anonymous types on ports may require run time checking.
David K - For things like FF, may need internal storage.
Jim - internal storage not available in ordinary subprograms.
Peter - internal storage is provided by protected types
Jim - protected types and hardware design may be challenging to get it implemented.
Decimal Floating Point
David Bishop - 2008 update to FP standard introduced in decimal floating point
VHDL AMS Coordination
David Bishop - matrix packages
AMS - currently doing table driven modeling
AMS - attributes additions
2008 Package Generic Issues
AI: Chuck S and Jerry K to review issues, in particular with packages being created in a general declarative region.
Next Meeting (proposed):
Thursday April 21 at 8 am (3 weeks)