JimLewis - 2011-03-16
P1076 March 17, 2011 Meeting Minutes
IEEE patent policy (please read before meeting)
Approve March 3 meeting minutes: Motion: Jerry 2nd: John
Continue discussion of language change requirements.
Package of RTL Hardware Primitives / RTL Building Blocks (Mux, Decoders, FF ...)
More expressive and/or concise way of coding flip flops, Multiplexors, decoders, ...
David Bishop
- Operator Perhaps to involve clock, reset, enable, reset value, clock edge.
A <= B @ 2 ; -- Clock is implicit - default clocks and reset
Jim Lewis
- Use subprograms see posts around Feb 18th time
- Enhance subprograms with defaults similar to generics
- Need a library of parts (mux, ...)
- Alternately the following assignment does a simple FF, however some vendors may not support it
A <= B when rising_edge(Clk) ;
David Koontz
- Also likes library of gate like parts - gives much similarity to gate parts
David Bishop
- How do we drive vendor uptake on items like this?
OOP/AOP and Interfaces
Jim Lewis
- Although I did the previous interface proposal, I think a good implementation of interfaces is to incorporate them into a class.
- Then allow shared variables to be an interface object on entities as elaborated in the OO proposal
David Koontz
- Already a class like mechanism in entities and components
What is a Class
- Container + Methods + internal state (private objects), has polymorphism and dynamic dispatch.
- It may or may not public objects
John Shields - believes that sharing object classes across languages will be difficult and fraught with trouble
Martin Thompson - need generic programming - and nn need OO - for testbenches
- AI post links to generic programming topics
Need examples of things that need OO - that illustrate perhaps the advantages of OO over generics on protected types.
Next Meeting (proposed):
Thursday March 31 at 8 am
Topic revision: r8 - 2020-02-17 - 15:36:21 -