P1076 July 14, 2011 Meeting Minutes



Approve June 30 Minutes

Hierarchical Namespaces

  • AI: Chris (and others) Add more use cases
    • Help justify the proposal from a business sense (why will a user buy this)
    • Help justify the proposal from a user sense (why will a user demand to have this)
  • Make sure that we can keep major library independence by using work as a top level library reference
    • library work.packet.ethernet ;
    • use work.packet.ethernet ;
    • Jim Added examples to proposal - please revise as necessary

Record Introspection

  • Transformation between a composite and a vector (single dimensional array)
  • Extend so that composite = record, multidimensional array, or array of arrays
  • Important that it can support vector elements of any type (std_ulogic or integer)
  • Iterating over record elements
  • AI: Chris: Find a title that expresses this
  • AI: Chris: Add detail to use cases

Type Introspection on Vector Literals

  • Vectors can be used to create an "argv" like set of values to an interface (such as a subprogram).
  • To effectively use this capability within an overloaded subprogram environment, we need introspection of vector literals
  • AI: Jim Write initial proposal

Action Items:

  • All: Take ownership of items in the Raw Requirements area of Collect Requirements and write proposals
  • Chris Higgs: Extend Record Introspection to include transformations between composites (record, multidimensional array, or array of arrays) and vectors
  • Chris Higgs: Add use models to both proposals
  • Chuck and any other: Comment on proposal formats
  • John Shields: Coordinate development of requirements template
  • Jim: Forward Procedures and Policies to DASC
  • Jim: Write proposal for Type Introspection on Vector Literals

Next Meeting Date (proposed):

Thursday July 28, 8 am Pacific

Topic revision: r6 - 2020-02-17 - 15:36:21 - JimLewis
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