P1076 April 28, 2011 Meeting Minutes - Unapproved



Approve March 31 meeting minutes: Motion: JarekKaczynski 2nd: DavidKoontz

Continue discussion of language change requirements.

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John Shields - Expressed concern over not being able to discuss the survey

[note - this was resolved by IEEE legal counsel and we are permitted to discuss externally generated surveys]

Constrained Random:

Hans - How to implement CR by using an external solver
How to pass a function or executable code
Mathlab Python: Evaluate function: pass a string.
Interpreted languages have this type of property.
Constraints built statically and evaluated dynamically.
SV constraints defined in classes

Functional Coverage:

Jim - One thing missing in other verification languages is a high fidelity cross coverage model
VHDL has lots of potential to implement this in packages


More effectively integrate with other models

Package Stuff:

David Bishop

Matrix package: type real - 2 d matrix format
Fixed Alg and Float Alg - signs/cos/exp/
- synthesize math real
- taylor series based + Flip-flops
- FP packages designed to be compatible with eda tools.
- Issue: normalize and denormalize between operations

Next Meeting:

Thursday May 26 at 8 am

Topic revision: r3 - 2020-02-17 - 15:36:20 - JimLewis
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