Changes are shown in red font.
Deletions are crossed out.
Editing notes in green font.
Details of Language Change
Replace all usage of 1850-2005 with 1850-2010
1.3.5 Incorporation of Property Specification Language
Page 3 and 4, last paragraph on page 3 and First paragraph of page 4:
[Edit Note: the "TM" and the number "2" following the . and in the foot note should be superscript]
VHDL incorporates the simple subset of the Property Specification Language (PSL)
as an embedded language for formal specification of the behavior of a VHDL description.
PSL is defined by IEEE Std 1850TM -2010 05.2
All PSL constructs that appear in a VHDL description shall conform to the
VHDL flavor of PSL. Within this standard, reference is made to syntactic rules of PSL.
Each such reference has the italicized prefix PSL_ and corresponds to the
syntax rule in IEEE Std 1850-2010 05 with the same name
but without the prefix.
2 Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
6.1 General (Declarations)
Page 64, 3rd paragraph
PSL verification units and declarations are described in
IEEE Std 1850-2010 05.
It is an error if a property defined by a PSL property declaration
does not conform to the rules for the simple subset of PSL.
6.11 PSL clock declarations
Page 94, Note on bottom of page
NOTE-A PSL clock declaration differs from other declarations in
VHDL and PSL in that it does not declare a designator
denoting some entity. It is more akin to a VHDL specification in
that it associates additional information with PSL
directives within a design. Hence, it is not listed as a declaration
in 6.1. Since it is called a declaration in
IEEE Std 1850-2010 05,
it is included in this clause for ease of reference,
rather than in Clause 7.
7.3.4 Verification unit binding indication
Page 103, 3rd and 4th paragraph of section counting BNF as 1 paragraph
Each name in a verification unit list shall denote a PSL verification
unit (see 13.1 and IEEE Std 1850-2010 05).
It is an error if a PSL verification unit bound to a design
entity by a configuration specification, whether
explicit or implicit, is explicitly bound by its declaration
(see IEEE Std 1850-2010 05).
It is an error if a verification unit binding indication is
specified for a component instance that is unbound or
that is bound by a binding indication that has an entity
aspect of the third form (open).
12.3 Visibility
Page 190, Edit Note 5 (near bottom of page before examples)
NOTE 5-The visibility of declarations within a PSL verification unit
is defined in IEEE Std 1850-2010 05.
13.1 Design units
Page 195, Last paragraph before 13.2
Entity declarations, architecture bodies, and configuration
declarations are discussed in Clause 3. Package
declarations, package bodies, and package instantiations
are discussed in Clause 4.
Context declarations are discussed in 13.3.
PSL verification units are described in IEEE Std 1850-2010 05.
14.2 Elaboration of a design hierarchy
Page 200, 7th paragraph counting the list as 1 paragraph
For a block statement implied by a design entity, whether the
design entity at the root of the design hierarchy
or a design entity bound to a component instance, to which
one or more PSL verification units are bound,
after elaboration of the implied block statement, each PSL
verification unit bound to the design entity is
elaborated. Elaboration of a PSL verification unit involves
first elaborating each not-yet-elaborated package
primary unit or package instantiation primary unit
containing declarations referenced by the PSL
verification unit. Further interpretation of the PSL verification
unit is defined in IEEE Std 1850-2010 05. General
Page 206, 3rd and last paragraph of this section
Rules for creation of PSL declarations are defined in
IEEE Std 1850-2010 05.
14.5.1 General (Elaboration of a statement part)
Page 210, last paragraph of this section (just before 14.5.2)
Rules for interpretation of PSL directives are defined in
IEEE Std 1850-2010 05. Initialization
Page 221, Item d) of the list
d) Any action required to give effect to a PSL directive is
performed (see IEEE Std 1850-2010 05). Simulation cycle
Page 222, Item e) of the list
e) Any action required to give effect to a PSL directive is
performed (see IEEE Std 1850-2010 05).
15.2 Character set
Page 226, 2nd paragraph (immediately after table)
Within a PSL declaration, a PSL directive, or a PSL verification unit,
certain of the other special characters
are allowed (see 15.3 and
IEEE Std 1850-2010 05).
15.3 Lexical elements, separators, and delimiters
Page 227, 1st paragraph of this section
The text of each design unit, apart from text treated specially
due to the effect of tool directives (see 15.11),
is a sequence of separate lexical elements. Each lexical
element is either a delimiter, an identifier (which
may be a reserved word), an abstract literal, a character
literal, a string literal, a bit string literal, a comment,
a lexical element defined for a tool directive, or a lexical
element defined in IEEE Std 1850-2010 05
for a PSL declaration, a PSL directive, or a PSL verification unit.
15.10 Reserved words
Page 237, 1st paragraph of this page
Within a PSL declaration, a PSL directive, or a PSL verification unit,
PSL keywords are reserved words (see
IEEE Std 1850-2010 05).
A PSL keyword shall not be used as an identifier to declare a
PSL declaration or a PSL verification unit.
A PSL keyword that is a legal VHDL identifier may be used as an
explicitly declared identifier other than to declare a PSL declaration
or a PSL verification unit, but such a declaration is hidden
within a PSL declaration, a PSL directive, or a PSL verification unit (see 12.3).
Page 237, last sentence of note 3 after the list of PSL keywords
Their use in PSL is defined in
IEEE Std 1850-2010 05.
Other PSL keywords, reserved only within PSL declarations, PSL
directives, and PSL verification units, are defined in
IEEE Std 1850-2010 05.