Language Change Specification for Repair LRM Example Proposal

LCS Number: LCS-2016-I06
Version: 1
Date: Nov-29-2016
Author: Kevin Jennings
Email: KevinJennings
Source Doc: Repair example in Section
Summary: Repair example in Section

Voting Results: Cast your votes here


  1. Kevin Jennings - 2016-11-29
  2. Ryan Hinton - 2016-12-19
  3. Thomas Preusser - 2016-12-27
  4. Martin Zabel - 2017-01-19
  5. Jim Leiws - 2017-02-06
  6. Patrick Lehmann - 2017-02-06 - ver 1



  1. Martin Thompson - 2016-12-12
  2. Brent Hayhoe - 2017-02-16 Version 1 - Abstain due to lack of personal time for review.

Details of Language Change:


  • Existing LRM text is shown in BLACK font
  • Additional LRM text is shown in RED and underlined
  • Deleted LRM text is shown in RED with strike-through

LRM page 100 near bottom

entity AND_GATE is
generic (I1toO, I2toO: DELAY_LENGTH := 4 ns);
port (I1, I2: in BIT := '1'; O: out BIT);
end entity AND_GATE;

LRM page 100 near bottom

component AND_GATE is
generic ( I1toO, I2toO: DELAY_LENGTH := 4 ns);
port (I1, I2: in BIT := '1'; O: out BIT);
end component AND_GATE;


Hopefully it will save someone else time to know that the initial value is needed because it is left open in the configuration of L2 in the declarative region of Half_Adder.Structure.

-- Ryan Hinton - 2016-12-19

Topic revision: r14 - 2017-04-02 - 16:19:58 - PatrickLehmann
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