LCS-2016-041 |
3 |
21-Mar-2017 |
Approved |
type INDEX is range INTEGER'range;
isn't valid VHDL, changed to type INDEX is range INTEGER'low to INTEGER'high;
has a separate type, which is required in a future revision, if we add object creation support. Currently, we stripped that feature out. It's planed that a subtype mirror can also create value mirrors (instances of a type) and that a user can assign such a value mirror to an object.
-- Patrick Lehmann - 2017-03-22
@Rob: About the index type:
type isn't strictly required. Honestly I never thought this proposal would make it this far. I was experimenting with making the API more type-safe and found an interesting way is to separate calculations on indices & values. Since I don't have a working implementation, only a type checker, this helped me find some bugs in the examples.
@Kevin: About the copying behavior:
If you want use reflection to observe changes to an object you need to reflect over an access type value.
-- Lieven Lemiengre - 2017-03-22