Language Change Specification for Current File

LCS Number: LCS-2016-015a
Version: 6
Date: 21-Mar-2017
Status: Voting
Author: Jim Lewis
Email: Main.JimLewis
Source Doc: ReportCallingPath Current File or Line
History Doc: history
Summary: Current File or Current Line

Style Notes

Changes are shown in red font. Deletions are crossed out. Editing notes in green font.

Details of Language Change

16.5 Standard environment package

16.5.1 General 015a.1: [NEW headline level]

Package ENV contains declarations that provide a VHDL interface to the host environment.

package ENV is
  procedure STOP (STATUS: INTEGER);
  procedure STOP;
  procedure FINISH;

  [... LCS-2016-011 ...]
  impure function FILE_NAME return LINE ; 
  impure function FILE_NAME return STRING ;
  impure function FILE_PATH return LINE ; 
  impure function FILE_PATH return STRING ;
  impure function FILE_LINE return POSITIVE ; 
  impure function FILE_LINE return STRING ; 

  [... LCS-2016-006c ...]
end package ENV;

16.5.X Current file and line 015a.2: [NEW headline level]

The function FILE_NAME returns the file name of the current VHDL file as either type LINE or STRING. The FILE_NAME does not contain any path information.

The function FILE_PATH returns the fully resolved absolute path of the current VHDL file as either type LINE or STRING. The FILE_PATH does not include the FILE_NAME. The FILE_PATH does not end with a directory separator.

The function FILE_LINE returns the line number in the current file as type POSITIVE or STRING.


Topic revision: r20 - 2017-07-18 - 09:39:25 - JimLewis
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