Language Change Specification for Function Interface Proposal

LCS Number: LCS-2016-002
Version: 8
Date: 2-Mar-2017
Author: Kevin Jennings (Ver 1 and 2)
Ryan Hinton (Ver 3)
Email: KevinJennings
Source Doc: FunctionInterface
History Doc: history
Summary: Allow access and protected type parameters on function interfaces
Interacts with: LCS_2016_014

Details of Language Change

LRM Formal parameter lists

002.1: Page 21 near top, second paragraph

[author comment: text for composite of a protected type depends on LCS_2016_014 being approved].

Change as indicated by red font. [Editing Note: This is the Laisee Faire version. Paragraph about procedures and impure functions were merged]

For those parameters with modes, the only modes that are allowed for formal parameters of a procedure or an impure function are in, inout, and out. If the mode is in and no object class is explicitly specified, constant is assumed. If the mode is inout or out, and no object class is explicitly specified, variable is assumed.

For those parameters with modes, the only mode that is allowed for formal parameters of a pure function is the mode in (whether this mode is specified explicitly or implicitly). The object class shall be constant, signal, or file. If no object class is explicitly given, constant is assumed.

NOTE -- Variable class parameters of access and protected types are allowed for procedures and impure functions.


Topic revision: r62 - 2017-07-16 - 18:54:16 - JimLewis
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