Interface Bundle Requirements

  • Interfaces were originally conceived as using the standard record type to group various signal types together.

  • A VHDL-AMS requirement extended this concept to include multiple objects (terminal and quantity objects).

  • Bundles encompassing objects may be of use within standard VHDL particularly when connecting to subprogram parameters.

  • A bundle requires a new object to carry/transport the connection between interface termini, in a similar manner to signals of record type were used in the original proposals.

  • The group construct was suggested as a possible method for encapsulating this new object bundling:
    • The group object first defines a template of the objects to be grouped together.
    • A group then groups together named objects of the class defined by the template.
    • Groups were introduced as a mechanism to apply the same attributes to a number of different objects.
    • Because groups do not specify the types of object classes, they are probably not useful for bndle specification.

  • Specify a bundle template:
         group CPU_bg is 
            signal DATA       : DATA_st;
            signal ADDR       : ADDR_st;
            signal R_W        : Std_Logic;
            signal SLAVE_SEL  : SLAVE_SEL_at;
            signal SLAVE_DATA : SLAVE_DATA_at;

      end group CPU_bg;
    • Similar to a record type declaration
    • Objects may be of class signal, shared variable, constant or file
    • VHDL-AMS will add the extra classes of quantity and terminal

  • An element of a bundle template will have a type and an object class associated with it.

  • A bundle template will itself be an object class that can be included within another bundle template. Bundles then become hierarchical.

  • A bundle template can be declared in a package.

  • A bundle must be able to be declared as an object in order to connect termini of interfaces, cf. signals.
      bundle CPU_b : CPU_bg;
  • A bundle template can be declared in an architecture or subprogram.

  • The bundle template must be able to be used in a new modport construct to specify port/parameter modes individually for its elements.

  • If a bundle object contains signals and variables, different parts will update at different delta times.

  • Can bundles be assigned and do we need a new assignment operator for a mixed bundle. Neither "<=" nor ":=" would seem to be appropriate.
Topic revision: r3 - 2015-06-15 - 18:40:21 - BrentHahoe
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