Extended Hardware functions like mux, decoders, adders
Proposal Editing Information
- Who Updates:
- Date Proposed:
- Date Last Updated:
- Priority:
- Complexity:
- Focus: Testbench
Requirement Summary
- Simplify Creation of RTL macros (Also interested: MartinThompson, DanielKho):
- Library of standard functions
- Mux2, what else?
- To what use, Jim says behavior, David K. suggests mixed level of abstraction, retargetting
- Syntax based flip-flop extensions are here: ClockedShorthand
See also:
Dec 15, 2011 and
Mar 31, 2011
Recommend that we forward this to the open source package working group for implementation separate of the VHDL standard.
Create hardware with procedure and function calls. For example, use a procedure for a flip-flop:
Reg(Clk, D, Q) ;
RegPipe (Clk, D, Q, 5) ; -- adds a 5 deep pipelining / shift register.
Related and/or Competing Issues: None
Use Model:
General Comments
The open source and vendor independet IP core library
PoC comes with several syntheziable functions.
Examples for one-liners:
- a D-FF in standard VHDL
mySignal_reg <= mySignal when rising_edge(Clock);
- a D-FF with enable and reset, as well as a reset value (INIT)
mySignal_reg <= ffdre(q => mySignal_reg, d => mySignal, en => enable, rst => reset, INIT => '1') when rising_edge(Clock);
- an optional output register
output <= output_i when registered(Clock, IS_REGISTERED);
- Encoding conversion
gray <= bin2gray(Counter);
onehot <= bin2onehot(Counter);
PoC.components and
PatrickLehmann - 2016-02-
Add your signature here to indicate your support for the proposal
-- MartinThompson - 2013-02-22
PatrickLehmann - 2016-02-19
Topic revision: r5 - 2020-02-17 - 15:34:30 -